Chapter 9- You And I

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There was a faint chill wisping the orange and yellow leaves in the air, playfully. It was the winds of change. October was coming to an end.
"Tomorrow's Halloween!" Hermione reminded him, exuberantly.
".... O...kay...." Harry said.
Hermione frowned at him, "What?"
Harry couldn't help but to smile at his adorable girlfriend and chuckled, "Hermione, I love your enthusiasm. But, we're not exactly kids anymore. And we're a little bit isolated here, don't you think? I mean, what do you wanna do? Trick-or-treat in the mountains?"
Hermione raised an eyebrow mischievously at him and grinned, replying with her signature sass, "Oh, really, Potter? I suppose you don't think adults can have any type of fun on Halloween?"
His emerald eyes darted around as he replied in obscurity, "What?"
"Honestly, Potter... I suppose you've never heard of adult costumes, either?"
Ms. Granger elucidated.
It finally dawned on him, as he slowly deciphered her code aloud, "Oh.... Like there might be some fun we can have with each other in adult costumes.....
..... OHHH!!!!"
She laughed, "A little slow today, are we, Potter? Been smoking some potter, have we?"
"Not lately..." Harry joked, blushing.
"Well, you better share if you've got any I don't know about..."
"K... Wait, what?"
"What? I like to have fun, too, Harry. Honestly.. But, in the meantime, I've got some decorations here," she replied, grabbing her nearly bottomless magical sack.
I wanna try to be fun for him, too, she thought to herself.
"You're telling me you've got Halloween decorations in that bloody beaded bag of yours, as well?"
"Of course, Harry."
She pulled out a long string of orange pumpkin lights, which they strung up along the interior of their tent. Then, they pulled out a slightly longer string of purple cat and bat lights, which they hung up together around the outside of the tent. Next, there was a 5 foot tall magical skeleton decoration that would dance every so often, which they stuck in the inside outer corner of the tent, a few black bats and transparent white ghosts they hung up inside, and a sinister grim reaper for the other corner, whose eyes would glow an eerie shade of red.
They sat on her bed, enjoying their work. "It looks great!" Harry pointed out, "Really spooky!"
"Yeah, it does. I'm so excited!" She admired the creepy and fun aesthetic around them for awhile.
Then, Harry shared a whimsical notion, "You know, we could use some fun lately. Do you think it's possible to conjure up some pot?"
She looked at him in an ambiguous way, not certain if she should, then she smirked, "And a pipe and a lighter? A joint probably wouldn't be a good idea up here in the woods. But, this isn't the sort of thing I do often. And nor should you, to be honest."
Hermione was right. She hadn't gotten to her prestigious career, level of power, or place in life by goofing off or being foolish, but she agreed that it was okay to have fun every once in awhile, especially near or on a holiday, and after they had just stared death in the face and conquered it, twice, within the same day! He nodded in accord and she got out her wand and conjured up a purple Bic lighter and a medium-sized triple-blown glass pipe. It was orange with slanted spirals of black stripes around it, fitting colors for the occasion, and it had a little glass cluster of Fly Agaric mushrooms (red with white spots) on the end of the pipe, just past the bowl and carb.
"That's a really cool pipe, Hermione! Brilliant!!"
She then had to concentrate for a while and eventually conjured up a plastic container full of about four grams of sticky, icky, gloriously green - lime green with little orange hairs and kief crystals - weed, which she called Pumpkin Kush OG. It smelled like sweet, citric, herby heaven!
Her magical prowess was unmatched. Harry nearly had a weedgasm as he smelled it and gave his lady much acclaim. "Hermione, oh my God! This smells fantastic! And it looks quite exceptional, too. Are you sure you haven't done this before?"
"Well, not hardly ever. I don't have a proclivity towards it. It's not a good habit to get hooked on. It inhibits your motivation drastically, and clouds your thinking. But, thanks."
"Of course. Right you are, as usual, Hermione. Just perhaps a few times a year, on holidays?"
She smiled warmly at him as he took another big whiff of the ganja. He proclaimed, "Oh, Hermione!! Oh, my goddess!"
"Harry!! Save that kind of talk for tomorrow night!" Hermione teased.
He laughed at her fun little joke, and then wondered, "Wait, why not tonight?"
Smirking, she replied, "Harry... Really. We don't have to have sex every night we're together.... And I want tomorrow to be.... Special..."
He understood completely, but joked, "Yeah, but... Have you seen you?"
She chuckled and kissed him a few times on his lips, followed by, "Thank you, sweetie."

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