Chapter 12- Stay With Me

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Harry and Hermione couldn't wait to travel to an exciting new country like Sweden. With its landscapes and ambience, some might consider it to be the epitome of a beautiful, romantic getaway. However, they were technically going there for business, not for pleasure - not that there wouldn't be any of that.
But first, they needed to make some stops. Money was obviously a requirement, so they'd have to go to Gringotts and convert their withdrawals to Muggle money, they'd need passports, a new supply of food, they needed to take a shower before flying to another country and going to camp in some forest they'd never been to, and while they were at it (apparating to Hermione's estate), she needed to tend to her garden, during which time Harry checked out her exquisite library.
Apparating isn't always feasible when you don't know where the heck you're going. How can you envision a place in your mind to magically teleport to if you've never even stepped foot in the country? So, they decided to take a plane to Stockholm, Sweden, since Harry Potter had never been on an airplane.
Although, he had first teased her about flying there on a broom, knowing that she hates flying, "Hermione, why don't we just fly there?"
"We are flying there. You've never been on an airplane, right?"
"No. But, I mean fly there on a broom," Harry retorted, "it'd cost a bit less, and then I'd have an excuse to buy a new broom."
"Harry..... What do you need a broom for? You've already swept me off my feet."
He chuckled, "No... I mean, don't you wanna save money? You're usually always so pragmatic."
"Harry..... You know I don't like flying..."
"But, why, love muffin?"
"It's-- love muffin?.... Haha... It's scary... I don't like heights. I get dizzy and I'm not in my element. I feel much more 'grounded' on the ground. Much safer. I could barely stand flying lessons at Hogwarts. Do you really think I'd want to fly for an hour or two on a broom to another country? Besides, I know you, and you'd want to get the newest, snazziest model yet, and that'd be just about the price of the plane tickets..."
"But, Hermione..." Harry pleaded.
"No! I said we're taking a plane, and that's that!"
She's so cute, even when she's mad, Harry noticed, smiling. Okay, I probably shouldn't antagonize her, though.
"Awww.... Why can't I argue with you? It's just basically impossible."
"Perhaps because I'm highly logical?" Hermione beamed.
"No.... Well, maybe some of that, too. But, I think it's because you're so cute."
Hermione beamed some more, turning pink as they kissed.
"Can I stick my sword in your bag?"
"That's a funny way to proposition me..." Hermione smirked, raising an eyebrow at Harry.
"No, I mean the Sword of Gryffindor," he laughed as he picked up the sword he had apparated here with himself. The last time they'd taken a shower here, they brought all their belongings from the Forest of Dean. That place wasn't fit to visit again for awhile.
"Ohhh!.... Yeah, sure, whatever. In fact, put all the stuff you brought last time in my magical bag. It'd be much more practical."
"Yes, Mary Poppins..." Harry joked.
She twisted his nipples hard.
Hermione had loosened up a lot since her Hogwarts years, which was usually a good thing, but - "Please don't do that anymore..."
"Sorry. I thought maybe you'd like it."
They both chuckled a bit and he shook his head in opposition.

"This is your captain speaking, please fasten your seatbelts. We are about to have some mild turbulence. Please remain in your seats, remain calm, and keep your seatbelts on for the next few minutes. Thank you." A speaker was emitting the monotonous announcement as Harry fumbled around with his seatbelt frantically. Hermione couldn't help snorting with amusement, her seatbelt already latched long ago.
The couple had stayed the night at her estate after Hermione had cast her Disillusionment Charm and protective enchantments all around her house, driveway and gate. Harry had called in the late evening yesterday to book the plane tickets - 1st class, but they both wanted to arrive early in the daytime, to look around for awhile, perhaps peruse the square, rather than at night. The flight was only a few hours after all. They had a good laugh after boarding, about her bloody beaded bag. Hermione had cast an echantment on it to conceal the identities of the items within it, particularly the Sword of Gryffindor! The scanners at the airport only showed images of clothes, everyday toiletries, and stuffed animals of llamas. And if they looked into the strange bag, that's all they would see. The sword took the form of one, for the next 4 hours, in case someone picked up a llama and cut their hand. It was also nice - a peace of mind in fact - having the bag right overhead as their one carry on.
Harry had just heard his seatbelt click when an alarming rumbling and shaking of the plane ensued. He gripped his seat armrests with white knuckles and breathed in, a bit unnerved. Hermione playfully prodded him, "I thought you weren't scared of flying, Potter."
"This isn't flying. This is... Nonsense."
"Hey, at least you don't have to grip a little broom for dear life... Just your seat," Hermione teased him, amused, and she smiled proudly as she then looked at the magazine she had just opened to read; Sweden is Great, yaaa! It had whimsical anecdotes and facts about Sweden, as well as a map of the Stockholm area they were to visit, locations and names of forests around the area, and depictions of prominent shops around town, as well as restaurants renowned for their meatballs.
At least the in-flight movie was one of the greatest comedy movies of all time; A Night at the Roxbury. It was about a pair of dumb brothers (Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan) constantly chasing the fast life in clubs - or at least trying to! They get rear-ended by Richard Grieco's illegal sports car (meant for racing), only because they're idiodically braking in their van every five seconds, looking for an ATM, and he brings them to The Roxbury, trying to avoid a lawsuit. Once inside, the brothers somehow set up a meeting with an extremely successful and somewhat immature club owner, Mr. Zadir, who thinks everyone is trying to grab his ass, and - after many hilarious events - they end up owning their own club. The entire movie is filled with great nightclub level disco music. Hermione ended up laughing and watching the movie with Harry as they held hands, saying, "We have to get this movie, Harry!" "Agreed," he smiled, "Number 1 priority." Afterwards, they both looked through her magazine of Stockholm, Sweden.
A flight attendant came around, mid-movie, asking if they wanted anything. Harry wanted a Butterbeer and Hermione wanted some nuts........ All was right in the world.

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