Chapter 6- Letters To Hermione

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Harry Potter had arrived at Hagrid's by nightfall, hoping that he'd have some room for him, just for a couple of days at least, for old times' sake. Rebeus was always so hospitable and friendly toward the "golden trio" whenever they visited him in the past, recalling some of their crazy adventures (and detentions) from their school years at Hogwarts. He crept up past the sea of grass and started down the slope, surveying the dark green grounds with bittersweet nostalgia.
Good times... Harry thought, somewhat sarcastically. Well, maybe he'll put on some tea for me. I was not fond of his rock cakes, but his tea was always good, and he sometimes talked about Brandy, Bourbon, Whiskey... Maybe, hopefully, he'll have some for me.
As he approached, he could just make out the shadowy wall of The Forbidden Forest looming ever so ominously in the background of the orange glow within the half-giant's hut.
I remember that bloody forest. Nothing in there worth the trip, ever again. I saw a unicorn in there once... Dead. Its silver blood in pools for Lord Voldemort to drink, just to barely sustain himself. Werewolves, hags, spiders the size of a motorcycle! No thank you.
Harry was getting close. He fondly remembered having a class right around here in 3rd year, with Rubeus Hagrid as the Care of Magical Creatures professor. It was quite often fun, educational and interesting. One of his favorite classes. He fondly remembered on his first lesson riding a Hipogriff (basically a giant horse-eagle) through the sky, wind rushing through his hair and shirt, skimming the shimmering water of the Black Lake while he raised his arms out and shouted in exhilaration.
I'm king of the world! Harry laughingly remembered himself thinking.
He remembered riding the Hipogriff with Hermione.......
Just prior to that, he had traveled back in time with her (with the help of a Time-Turner), to save Buckbeak the Hippogriff and his uncle Sirius Black, and had held her while shielding her from the imminent attack of a ferocious werewolf, awaiting his impending death. Even back then, he would've died for her... If it meant saving her. He would do anything to go back in time with her now..... Back to that time in 1st year in fact, when she was looking at him, complimenting him, just before he went off to face "Quirreldemort"... Through the clarifying lenses of retrospect, he thought, So what if I was a troubled kid? I shouldn't have been so stupid. I should've just kissed her... Things would've been so much different, for the better.
Sure, that wasn't the only time that Harry had messed up with her, but it would've been the easiest route, especially with Ron, and then he would've had a girlfriend from 2nd year on most likely. And sure, maybe he wouldn't have had the most passionate and romantic week of his life, in the forest mountain-range of Dean with her - which on one hand he wouldn't trade for anything - but he was sure that they would go camping at some point anyway, and on the other hand - was it worth it? Now he was alone and miserable...
Harry angrily hauled his increasingly heavy box of belongings up the front steps to Hagrid's Hut and set it down. He stopped to catch his breath. With the stress of the day, his heart shattered, ribs bruised, and the weight of the box, he was nearly hyperventilating.
After several minutes, he gradually composed himself and knocked on Hagrid's ginormous door.
"Graaagh!!" He could hear Hagrid grumbling and spewing profanities as he got up from some comfy chair (he assumed) and it made Harry chuckle.
Opening the door was a gargantuan man with an intimidating amount of long, thick, bushy black hair on his face and draping down his head. He remembered how terrifying he seemed when he first met him, but (although you certainly wouldn't want to mess with him) he was a gentle giant. He beamed at Harry and burst out, "Harry!! I was wonderin' when I'd be seein' ye again! Wait - what's all this then? What the crap happened to yer face!? And yer glasses!?"
Smiling and chuckling, Harry riposted, "You should see the other guy! And Hermione fixed my eyesight. Well, it's kind of a long story, Hagrid. Do you mind if I come in?"
"Not at all, Harry. Just wipe yer boots," said Hagrid in his gruff, hoarse voice, forgetting that he doesn't wear boots, typically. "And yer just in toime! I was puttin' on a pot o' tea."
"Lovely! Thanks, Hagrid." Harry followed him into his quaint little home with his box of belongings and set it on the floor as he flumped onto a chair.
"Blimey, Harry! What's all that!?" Hagrid flummoxed. "And don't be bleedin' all over me furniture!"
"Sorry..." Harry gulped, "I - I've come into a bit of trouble, and... - long story short - I was wondering if I could please stay here for a bit, just 'til I can get my own place? It could be just a few days, or a month or two at the most! I can pay you--"
"- Nonsense, Harry! I don' need yer grubby money! 'Specially if yer plannin' on movin' along. What I do ask is that you keep the place clean as a whistle, and no drama or danger be comin' here, ya hear!? I'm gettin' along in years now, and.... Well, to be honest, I've missed havin' company often, like back in the day, eh? Been a bit lonely ever since Fang passed..." Hagrid sobbed a bit as he brought over the pot from off the glowing orange fire in the hearth and poured a big cup of piping hot orange tea for Harry and for himself, adding massive amounts of sugar. It was warm and sweet at least.
"Thank you so much. And - I'm sorry, Hagrid... I know he meant a great deal to you. Have you thought of getting a new dog?"
"I can't jus' get a new dog!" Hagrid reproached. "There'll be no replacin' Fang!" He sniffled, "But, I did however get me a Tawny Owl."
"Oh, great. I love owls. I should probably get myself a new one, but you know, Hedwig's death hit me pretty hard, too..... By the way, do you have any, uh... Booze, mate? I could really use some right now."
Having very rarely drank alcohol together, Hagrid chortled with glee, "Haha! Well, o' Course I have Booze, Harry!!"
As Harry happily sipped his tea, a brown owl swooped in through the open window, almost causing him to spill, as he landed gracefully on the table to nuzzle under Hagrid's meaty hand, who gleefully pet him.
"Say hello to Artemis!"
"Ahh! Brilliant! I might need to send a few letters, if you don't mind. Some..... Letters to Hermione."

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