Chapter 15- Heroes

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The dark crimson creature happened upon the unconscious witch and wizard a good half an hour later with a "Bloop!!" The rain had subsided to a light sprinkle. It reached its monstrous tentacles out over the shore to feel and prod at the land, peeking its squishy eyes and pink face over the water to see what it was doing. Its tentacles were so large and long that they could extent out several yards.
"Bloop!?" It started with the turquoise shield, wrapping one of its tentacles delicately around it, careful not to puncture its flesh with the protruding spike, and took it into the sea.
"Bloopity bloop!" It bubbled a happy chorus as it took the handle of the dazzling, ruby-adorned Sword of Gryffindor up from the sand to admire its gorgeous gleaming blade in the sun, stained with blood but still a ravishing artifact. Another of its arms found the sheath and held it sideways as the tentacle slid the sword into its case with a shhhing! Nice, it thought as the massive tentacle scooped up Harry's wand and gun and slid them into the grip of the same arm that was holding the seized Sword of Gryffindor, curling down, then did the same with Hermione's vine-wrapped wand, pushing it into the same wriggling arm, then curled the weapons down into the sea in its clutches. "Bloop... They have so much shit," it mused.
"Oob?" It took Hermione in a wiggling arm and Harry Potter in yet another of its wiggling arms. Fortunately for them, they were close enough to the shoreline for its arms to scoop them up and hold them up, just over the water.
The giant impish creature raised its large free tentacle to slap the crap out of the dead Dragon Lord on the shore and then pushed off from the shoreline, jetting to England.
A while later, Harry, still feeling feeble, was blinking his eyes half open now, rain sprinkling, thinking he might be dreaming as he saw himself and Hermione in the capture of a colossal giant squid. Somehow knowing, sensing not to be afraid, he smiled with amusement. Dolpins were jetting along in the ocean water along each side of the squid translucently, clearly excited. Salty water splashing lightly on Harry's face, he dreamily could hear the sudden drums and humming guitar of the song Heroes, by The Wallflowers, in his mind, smiling in the emerging sun.

I............ I wish I could swim...
Like the dolphins...
Like dolphins can swim...
Though nothing...
Nothing will keep us together. (Except for our love, Harry thought)
We can beat them...
Forever and ever...
Oh, we can be heroes...
Just for one day.

They continued on their fateful trek with the sun warming the day through the rain, eliciting joy.

I!!.......... I will be king.....
And you!.... You will be queen...
Though nothing.....
Will drive them away...
We can be heroes...
Just for one day.
We can be us...
Just for one day.

Harry's eyes closed again as the animal drove them further and further away. The rain had finally ended and it was an alluring twilight before the giant squid made it to the black lake.
"Blooooop!!" It called out to Hagrid's Hut as it tossed the shield and all of their weapons onto the grass.
Then it plopped Harry and Hermione onto the dewey grass. The squid patiently waiting. A minute later, Rubeus Hagrid peeked out of his door and cried out, "Gloopy!!"
"Blooooop!" The squid raised one of its tentacles and gently only wiggled the top, as if saying, "Hello!"
"Oi! I got somethin' fer ya!" Hagrid hopped and ran into his house. He got out plates for bread on his table, then started making toast, lightly spreading Incendio!s from his umbrella-concealed wand. Then he spread raspberry jelly on four pieces of toast.
The jolly half-giant brought out the plate and nearly dropped it as he finally noticed Harry and Hermione unconscious on the ground.
"Jumpin' jellies! What happened to them, Gloopy!?" Hagrid asked.
"Bloopy bloop..." Gloopy gurgled while curling a tentacle into the shape of a question mark, as if saying, "I don't know..."
"Well, no mat'er! As long as they're alive..... I presume. I'll take 'em to Madam Pomfrey right quick. Here ya go, ol' Gloopity Boopity!" Hagrid thanked him by throwing the toast, one at a time, at four of its arms. The giant squid caught each of the jellied toasts and stuffed them into his mouth, very happily.
"Awww. Aren't you so cute!?" Rubeus chuckled with glee, "Would you like some rock cakes as well?"
The squid lifted a tentacle to shutter a wiggling wave, as if saying, "No, no... No thank you, Haggy."
"Are you sure?.... I think they're quite tasty, but.... Well... Best be off now. Thanks a lot, Gloopy! Goodbye 'n' I hope ta see ya soon!" Hagrid waved as Gloopy raised a tentacle and folded it up and down like a paw saying, "Bye bye!" Then it disappeared into the black lake and swam away.
Then, Rubeus Hagrid scurried off into his hut to retrieve a huge burlap sack, which he rushed back with to stuff the sword, shield and wands into. He gently set it down so he could sling Hermione over his shoulder. Next, he picked up the sack and Harry Potter into his giant arms and hurried off to Hogwarts castle, rushing to the hospital wing for help from Poppy Pomfrey.

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