Chapter 7- Coming Back For You

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(-by Maroon 5)
You know that I'm coming back for you.
Don't you worry, girl!
Don't you worry, girl!
You know that I'm coming back for you.
(Harry mused) Don't you worry, girl!
I'll be back for you!
So you better - wait up
Keeping the bed warm for me.
All night putting the whisper on me.
Giving that love and emotion that I know
Doesn't really matter what you do.
I'll be back for you!
Coming back for you! Yeah-a-a-ah!

Harry darted past Hermione's lawn, feeling exhilarated as the sprinklers washed over him like the wave of his resolve! This was it! He didn't wanna waste a moment. He had apparated almost immediately after he read Hermione's love letter to him and Hagrid had given him an encouraging pep talk.
"Go get her, man!! Go see her tonight, strike while the iron is hot! If anyone deserves to be happy, it's youz two! Gimme yer Butterbeer 'n' go, man!"
He had excitedly apparated outside of her estate, wanting to be a gentleman as much as he possibly could be, not just intrusively barge into her living room. As he stepped up to her pearly white front door, he felt overwhelmed, inundated by nerves, questions and concerns, but adamant.

When you close your eyes
Do you see me, love?
Am I keeping you awake?

Trying to shake his apprehension, his heart pounding, he nervously stood to the side with his head bent forward a little while his left arm raised up firmly to knock on the door.

Whatcha scared about?
Are you giving up?
When you know, you know, you know...
You know that I'm coming back for you.
Don't you worry, girl!
Don't you worry, girl!
You know that I'm coming back for you.
Don't you worry, girl!
I'll be back for you!

Consternation hit him when his former best mate, the fiery redhead himself, dressed in a suit with his hair slicked back, answered the door, a look of disdain on his rejuvenated face. Harry quickly put his right hand in his pocket, where his wand was, bracing himself for the conflict.
"Come to scam on my wife some more, huh?" Ron sneered with contempt, "I was just on my way out," bumping into Harry with his shoulder as he passed him on his way out.
Harry Potter turned to face him with conviction. "Well, you look like you're on your way to a nice night."
"What do you know about it?" Ron smirked with a confidence that belied his dereliction, stepping forward. "You think you can do any better? Try being married for 20 years to the loony bitch."
Harry flashed his wand out to his side in fierce protest, as Ronald scoffed, "Yeah, that's what I figured... Love is a war, mate. And you're already at war with an assassin...."
Harry stood silently scowling.
Ron snickered and sneered, "I'll be back for my kids."
Harry Potter watched voiceless as Ronald Weasley ducked past the sprinklers to presumably go visit one of his mistresses.
What a tosser! Harry thought.
Then he turned to refocus on the momentous task at hand; Hermione, the love of his life. He wouldn't lose her again; he promised himself. He opened the door of fate and stepped through, not knowing what to expect.
There was nobody in sight, just a chill silence. Perhaps Kreacher or someone was babysitting her kids, or they were asleep. It was irrelevant compared to Hermione Granger. He closed the door and looked around. She wouldn't be in the garden after nightfall, so he checked the immense library on the right, just briefly.
There was only one place left to check that made sense. He psyched himself up with zealous ardor as he wound his way up the majestic spiral staircase.
I've never been up to her room, he thought to himself with worried wonder. I hope she's not too surprised or shocked to see me here.
At the top, he paced himself to catch his breath as he made his way to Hermione's bedroom, his resolve unwavering. Just past halfway there, he saw her coming out of her room, a tear stain on each of her cheeks as one fell as she saw Harry standing there dazed, his chest slightly heaving, mouth agape and eyes wide open. She looked resplendent with her beautiful golden-brown hair down, in a silky white dress with black flower designs. She shook her head as a friendly smile started to spread across her radiantly gorgeous face.
No words were needed as they dashed into each other's arms. She thrust her arms around Harry's neck in her signature, patented Hermione hug. As they embraced each other, they knew the magnitude of this moment. They were soon smothering each other's faces with sweet kisses, saying, "I love you!"
"I love you!"
"Thanks for coming back for me, Harry! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you, too, Hermione! Thank you for giving me another chance!"
Their lips began to interweave as their tongues made their way into each other's mouths, dancing and slipping around each other's.
After a couple minutes, Hermione looked deep into Harry's eyes, emerald green reflecting amber brown, her dainty hands on his shoulders. She smiled and jumped, throwing her legs around his waist as he caught the bottom of her soft, perfect thighs with a pleasantly surprised grin plastered on his face. Lovely! They kissed some more as he carried her, making his way to her bed.
They hit the doorway wall to her bedroom and they both chuckled, not even caring. The bliss of being together again surpassing his chagrin. They resumed kissing as he (half) successfully made his way with her in his arms to her bed. He lovingly placed her down on her bed and went to work on her.
She eagerly returned the favor after ten or so minutes, and after a while of pure ecstasy it culminated into passionate, hot sweaty lovemaking, for a long time, until he climaxed inside of her.
They lay down and slowly steadied their breathing, looking at each other tenderly, smiling, as Harry adoringly brushed her hair back and caressed her face with his hand. This moment was more magical than all of their years at Hogwarts combined. She took his hand and kissed it lovingly.
"Goodnight, my love."
"Goodnight, my love."
Their lips met in a blazing heat more warm than a hundred fires, and definitely more loving. Their romantic feelings for each other unquestionable as they cuddled all night together.

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