⚡️⛓️‍💥 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲, 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞 ⚡️⛓️‍💥

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Running. There was just something about it that made it seem more exciting than expected, whether it was just for the thrill of the wind brushing in your face or to escape the everyday normalcy of life

But for some people..one person in particular did more than run just for the fun of it all. No, he ran with a purpose, the determination of being someone who set aside everything else to make sure that others were safe

And that person was a hero, the greatest superhero the world had ever known. Through so many sacrifices, losses and heartbreaks, the world's hero still was there to make sure that in the blink of an eye everyone else was protected

And the Flash was certainly someone who made sure to be the hero the world wanted, that they needed. He was their symbol of hope and their guardian Angel

But even super-heroism came with a price because even with super powers, even with strength and determination, Barry Allen still held the world on his shoulders and he became so tired, his run had become tiring

But to understand the story you're about to hear, first you need to understand that this story isn't about the true Barry Allen, it's not about someone else. Someone who many say was an aberration, a disposable and it all started with HIM


The loud burst of shattered glass was heard as we see the future flash being thrown through a brick wall as you could witness just how tired the flash had become just by the way his suit was ripped

Flash painfully but slowly rises up to his feet as he limps back to the outside as the rain came powered down wetting his suit and part of his exposed face; the flash had lost everything by his hand. The love of his life was dead, Wally had been broken and a promise he once made to his wife had become nothing but a distant memory

He had nothing left but then to rid himself of a monster but even now he'd become so weak that he didn't even wanna continue

Flash: Where are you!? Let's finish THIS!

Lighting crackled off the body of the Flash, his hands sparking with orange as a breeze of wind passed by him as he saw the one he'd been trying to stop; the one who'd taken everything from him...Savitar

Even with his mask covering his face you could tell that Savitar was accomplished with what he'd done; he'd taken everything away from Barry and the only thing left was for him to bow down before a king

Savitar: You lost Flash. The only thing to do now is worship me.

But Flash refused to give in, he refused to show him that despite beating him, that he'd won. Barry Allen wouldn't give him that satisfaction; Flash started to walk forward until he heard a glimmer of hope come through his comms, it was Tracy who'd finished the weapon to trap Savitar

Tracy: Barry, the weapon is finished. You need to distract Savitar.

Flash: I'm on it.

Flash cracked his neck and then got down into a running position as Savitar just chuckles with amusement at what his rival could be thinking of doing now cause as far as he was concerned there was nothing left Barry could do to him

Barry took a deep breath as lighting sparks within his eyes as he'd heard the voice of his now deceased wife telling him to run as Flash immediately ran towards Savitar but instead of going right at him, Flash ran around him as the flash began to multiple one by one until there was at least a dozen time remnants surrounding him

But Savitar still wasn't concerned as he began to fight the time remnants; The original Flash ran away from the scene arriving in Star Labs where Tracy, Julian, Cisco and Joe had been waiting

Tracy: Barry, here.

Tracy hands the weapon to Barry as he looks over at his foster father who looks at him with determination palpable in his eyes

Joe: Get rid of him, Barry.

The Flash nodded as he immediately ran out of the Star Labs, ready to put an end to the threat that was Savitar


Savitar snapped the neck of one of the final three time remnants and thus was down to two along with the original Flash. One of the time remnants started to crawl on the ground, his cowl had been ripped and his body was excruciating pain

But that didn't stop the god of speed from walking over to him as he uses his boot to turn the remnant around as the remnant Barry began to cough up blood from his mouth and blood dropped down from his nose

Savitar held up his hand as his hand blade came out as he titled his head at the time remnant

Savitar: Once again, Barry, you lose.

And just like that, the god of speed lifted up his boot and crushed the time remnants skull underneath his boot as he turned around and eyed the last time remnants whose face had been burned because of Savitar; the time remnant stood up undeterred from trying to stop Savitar

He ran at Savitar and threw multiple punches but the god of speed hit him with an uppercut before lifting him off his feet and launching him across the ground; he ran towards the time remnant and grabbed his legged and whipped him around and launched him into a car. He took out his blade once more and grabbed the time remnant

But a bit of fresh caught the time remnant as gust of wind flew past them as Savitar looks and sees the original Flash with a weapon in his hand as he began to power it up; sensing a danger, Savitar stabbed the time remnant in his abdomen as the remnants eyes widen with a small gasp then the god of speed threw him away

And as the time remnant caught his composure and his breath the next thing he saw and heard was Savitar screaming his revenge before a gulf of energy overtook him; the time remnant was left shocked to see that after all this time the god of speed was no more

Barry dropped the weapon and fell down to his knees knowing that even with Savitar finally gone, there was no point. He'd managed to take everything away from the flash and in doing so, Barry Allen was a broken shell of his former self

"Holy shit."

The time remnant says as he lets out a groan and held his abdomen as he slowly got up to his knees as he looks around and all the carnage that was left in the wake of destruction; and there was still one problem, there were now two Barry Allens as Savitar didn't kill the last one

To Be Continued...

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