⚡️⛓️‍💥 Broken, Alone And Pain⚡️⛓️‍💥

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[So uh I won't be redoing season 3 cause let's be honest, yall know what happens but there are a few parts of season 3 I will be doing so uh yeah, deal with it]

Surely there was a reason right? Savitar had let him live, all of the other time remnants had met their end at the hands of the God of Speed and yet for some reason.. his fate didn't align with the others. But Savitar had to of made the choice not to kill him because of some ulterior motive or maybe as a last fuck you to Barry Allen, whatever that could mean

And yet while he'd found himself alive, it still didn't mean their were those who weren't the least bit shocked as the time remnant followed behind his original self into the cortex of Star Labs still feeling the after effects of the battle with Savitar

As the rest of the team comforted the original Barry, the time remnant took a seat near the doorway. He could still feel Savitar's blade against his face, drilling beneath his skin.. beneath the fiber of his face; he brought his hand up to his face and just the slightest touch was enough to make him grimace in pain

He wanted to forget about the pain in his face, the feeling that his face felt like lava and his speed healing was doing the trick and so he glanced towards the rest of the team and cleared his throat

The team looked over at him, brows raised with confusion as if they questioned why he was even here

"What do we do now?"

The time remnant asks as Barry immediately shakes his head

Barry: You can go now.

But the time remnant didn't know what to do, sure he could leave but what was a surviving time remnant supposed to do in a world where his original self walked the earth

"I don't have anywhere to go."

Barry didn't wanna hear it, letting out a scoff as he took off his gloves

Barry: I don't care where you go. I just don't want you here.

The time remnant rose to his feet as he could see how hurt Barry was, after all the two were one and the same and felt the loss of Iris just as much as he did

"Please I have nowhere to go. You—"

But the time remnant didn't get a chance to finish his attempt at wanting help as Cisco still hurting from everything that Savitar did spoke up with anger in his voice

Cisco: HEY! Didn't you hear what he said? Go. Leave. We don't want you here.

The time remnant was shocked at Cisco's outburst, he was his best friend and yet was treating him like garbage, even Joe just looked away from him and didn't have anything to say to the time remnant. TR Barry looks at his original self, hoping to see a glimmer of remorse in his eyes

"Please, Barry. We're the same. You have to—"

Original Barry immediately ran at TR Barry grabbed him by the collars of his suit and pulling him towards him as lightning crackles off his body

Barry: Didn't you hear what I just said? We don't want you here. So leave.

Original Barry pushed TR Barry out of the cortex as the time remnant fell to the ground letting out a groan as he lifts his head up to see his original self and the ones whom he called family all turning his back on him as Cisco stepped forward not an ounce of remorse for the time remnant

Cisco: You're not the same. You're not Barry Allen. You're just an aberration.

Aberration. The word echoed within his mind over and over, it was like a broken record playing on repeat... it was worse than what Savitar had done to him. Hearing his best friend tell him he wasn't even meant to be here hurt worse than losing Iris

How could they do this? It didn't make sense, yeah, Iris was dead but they were team flash, they swore to protect everyone and yet..they threw him out like yesterday's garbage; TR Barry slowly rose up to his feet as the team kept their eyes on him before turning away and not even acknowledging him anymore

TR Barry started to leave, walking.. limping down the hallway and in that moment... it was clear.. Barry Allen had become his own greatest enemy


It was worse than anything he'd ever felt before, no one would help him, with Iris dead there was no one to comfort him. To let him know that at the end of the day everything would continue to be alright

Team Flash had swore to protect.. and yet they didn't do that and all the time remnant Barry Allen was left with was nothing but a fucked up face and his own mentality, the words of the team replayed in his mind over and over again

He wanted it to stop but it wouldn't.. not when he was alone, and certainly not when he was broken; TR Barry sat in the apartment near the front door that he and Iris once occupied before everything went to shit

It was the first place he thought of going and hoped to see Iris come let him know it would all be okay but alas she didn't come because of one person and no, no, it wasn't Savitar.. Savitar wasn't to blame for what happened to Iris, he may have did the deed but Barry Allen killed her

His own cruelty, his own selfishness had killed Iris and took her away from Joe, took her away from Cisco, her brother. Iris West died by Barry Allen's hand; in that moment the tears from TR Barry had turned into anger as he rose from the ground and limped forwards the stairs but his foot got caught on something as he looked down at the newspaper on the ground

But the newspaper started to glow as TR Barry titled his head in curiosity as he bent down and moved the paper away and saw a shard from Savitar's suit. He slowly reached his hand towards it and picked it up then he stood back up and stared at the shard

All he wanted was for the pain to end, that pain of abandonment, loss, tragedy.. he wanted it all to stop and in that moment he realized how Savitar could kill Iris without a second thought; it's because he was god and the truth had become crystal clear

The only way to become whole again was becoming a god; Barry Allen had to become a god...he needed to become Savitar

A devilish smirk crossed the face of the time remnant, a plan coming to fruition; no one would ever bring him pain again, even if that meant killing the one person Barry Allen loved more than anything

To Be Continued...

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