⚡️⛓️‍💥 Endless Void For All Eternity⚡️⛓️‍💥

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Barry looked on with shock; it was just seconds after Wally had been sucked into a portal and all that was left was his suit as he walks over to it and picks it up..and a crushing sense of guilt had overwhelmed him..it was his fault..Wally was gone because of him and he didn't even know where he was

Suddenly the portal started to open back up forcing Barry to take a step back but it wasn't Wally emerged; it was the god of speed..it was Savitar; the time remnant Barry Allen who the team didn't know about as the god of speed's identity had remained a mystery for so long

And for TR Barry Allen, it was something to behold. Time had become his greatest enemy, stuck in an endless hell for all eternity, the Speed Force prison had been a torment unlike any other, a void where every second stretched into infinity, and every thought echoed with despair. The very essence of his being had been trapped, forced to relive his failures and fears in a relentless cycle

Now, as he emerged from the portal, the sensation of freedom was almost overwhelming. The world around him was a kaleidoscope of sensations—sounds, sights, and smells that he had been deprived of for centuries

His metallic suit ground against the concrete as he crawled from the portal, each movement a reminder that he was no longer confined. The air was crisp, filled with scents he had nearly forgotten: the earthiness of soil, the faint tang of unbearable city life, the myriad fragrances of freedom

He stayed on his knees as his hands touched the ground as if to confirm it was real. A shiver of euphoria coursed through him...he was free

"I'm free!!!!"

Barry's eyes widened as Savitar touched the ground with his hand, inhaling deeply through his nose

"Ground. Air. I can feel again."

He muttered, rubbing his metallic claws together while he rose up to his feet. It was as if he had been reborn, every sense heightened by his prolonged imprisonment

"I can breathe again."

But beneath the exhilaration was a burning hatred, a singular obsession that had kept him sane in the Speed Force. He had an ultimate goal, one that had driven him through the endless torment. His original self, Barry Allen, would pay. The world would see him not as a discarded remnant, but as a god. He had suffered and endured, and now it was time for his vengeance

Savitar's thoughts turned dark as he recalled the endless nights, the haunting visions of a life that could have been. The betrayal of being abandoned by the very person he had once been gnawed at him. But that was in the past. Now, he had a future to shape—a future where he would reign supreme

"I've beaten you! Finally!"

He screeched into the night, his voice filled with triumphant rage. Barry's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and fear as Savitar's eyes burned with a fierce light as he looked at Barry

The sense of liberation, the rush of triumph—it was intoxicating. The god of speed had returned, Barry had been surprised..disbelief that the thing he'd been trying to do..his deepest fear..his worst nightmare had become a reality; Barry held the singed suit of Kid Flash in his trembling hands, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him

His mind raced with questions and dread, his heart pounding with the fear of what had become of Wally. His voice cracked with desperation as he addressed the god of speed

Barry: Where's Wally? What just happened to him?

Savitar's lips twisted into a grin, his eyes glowing with a fierce blue light as he stretched his arms wide, feeling the strength return to his limbs. He took a deep breath, savoring the oxygen filling his lungs and always one for mind games and steeped in the lore of ancient myths, he replied with a cold, cruel satisfaction

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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