⚡️⛓️‍💥 Any Sane Person ⚡️⛓️‍💥

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Immediately after realizing that Savitar had taken control of Julian, Barry felt a shiver run down his spine; he honestly didn't expect this to work but alas it did and now the big bad they've been trying to stop was now here..in the flesh..kinda; Savitar looked around at team flash staring daggers at each one of them before saying

"None of you are on your knees, it's a smart move to bow before a deity."

Barry: You're not god.

Savitar looked over at Barry, just the sight of the speedster made him wanna kill him; unfortunately he couldn't.. but he could see just how terrified Barry looked, fear..that's what was in his eyes

"To be a god you just have to make people believe you are."

Savitar says looking at Barry, his disdain for the man showing on Julian's face

Iris: No one believes in you.

"You should Iris."

He replied back, his cold calculating voice practically echoing through the speed lab

"I hold the power of life and death over all of you."

Caitlin: How do you know so much about us?

Caitlin asked having been quiet before but decided if they were gonna get answers they might as well ask the right questions

The irony of her question made Savitar turn his gaze to her..if only she knew

"I know you, Caitlin. Cisco. Joe. Wally. The fake Wells."

He began looking towards each member of the team and saw just how terrified they were at hearing his voice..he'd jump with joy if he could knowing they were terrified..they were right to be

"I know your fears, I know your weaknesses. I know you better than you know yourselves. I know your destinies."

And it was true.. part of being a time remnant and from the future, it gave Savitar time to reflect on things, most specifically his hatred for each team member that stood in this very room..he came to the conclusion that none of them deserved pity, they didn't deserve..anything from him

And with that being said, Savitar decided to tell them what future laid ahead for them..even if they didn't understand

"One shall betray you. One shall fall. One will suffer a fate far worse than death. This is the knowledge I have for you. About your everlasting damn nation."

Barry: Who are you?

Barry asked having wanting to know the answer for a while but Savitar hadn't given it.. no matter how many times he begged for the answer all he got in return were mind games as Savitar looks up at the flash and replied back

"I am the future, flash."

Barry: And what do you want from us?


Savitar exclaims bringing a chill to the team who flinched at the loudness of his voice that came from Julian as the god of speed looks to Barry

"Everything you took from me I want back! And I'm gonna take it back, then I will destroy!"

Barry: Then why haven't you already? If you're all powerful then why don't you just go ahead and kill us now and be done with it?

Savitar looked away from Barry, he'd wanted it to be that easy, wished it was that easy but alas it wasn't

Barry: Because you can't.

"You did this to me. You trapped in eternity."

Savitar says focusing his attention back on his original self

⚡️⛓️‍💥 I'll Always Be Broken ⚡️⛓️‍💥Where stories live. Discover now