⚡️⛓️‍💥 Nothing Seemed To Matter⚡️⛓️‍💥

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He wasn't sure what to do anymore, the team turned their back on him, threw him out like trash. All because he wasn't the true Barry Allen, and maybe they were right, maybe he was nothing more than an aberration, a disposable hero

But if there's one thing Barry knew more than anything, it was that his friends, his family always managed to stay together despite whatever was thrown at them; and with Iris gone, Barry had to talk to the one person he knew would tell him everything would be okay

He arrived at the West-Allen house which had honestly seen better days, it was old and broken down, a window was even covered with cardboard  and while the home used to be a family home, one worth living in, the death of Iris changed everything

Joe just let it be, nothing seemed to matter anymore, what was the point of having a home if his own daughter wasn't there? He just didn't seem to care and only thought about being with Wally and Barry though there wasn't much of Barry anymore who stayed at Star Labs, never leaving the former team flash head quarters

The time remnant walked around and spotted the picture of him and Joe as he picks it up and stares at it. He remembered this moment, he'd just graduated from college and his foster father told him he wanted commemorate the moment despite Barry's protests

It was honestly weird being a time remnant, like he felt like Barry, truly, I mean after all deep down he really was but no one looked at him like that..they looked at him like son fraud but that wasn't true, he was more than just a fraud, he was a person who deserved just as much love and care as his original self did

His thoughts were broken when he heard the sound of a cough coming from near the dining room as he turns his head and sees Joe standing there looking more defeated than ever

Joe: What are you doing here?

He asks knowing that this wasn't his Barry and instead the time remnant, one reason being the scar on his face that made him and the original distinct from one another and another being that Barry hadn't stepped foot in the house since Iris died

TR Barry sets the photo back down, his cheeks practically swollening up just thinking about how much he needed a hug right about now

"I came to see you, Joe."

TR Barry replied but Joe just went over and took a seat on the couch

"I have nowhere else to go. I just need—-"

Joe: You can't stay here.

Joe interjected him with disdain in his voice, the time remnant just reminded him too much of the Barry he'd lost after Iris died. It was hard to look at him and not think about the past

"Joe, please. I just need you..."

Tears started to fall down TR Barry's face as he begged Joe to look at him but the former detective just kept his eyes glued forward as TR Barry's voice finally broke telling him

"I- I ne-need my father..."

That sentence seemed to bring Joe back to reality as he looked up at TR Barry and showed no emotion towards him what so ever, there was no remorse, sadness or even concern. Joe stood up and went towards him as he told him

⚡️⛓️‍💥 I'll Always Be Broken ⚡️⛓️‍💥Where stories live. Discover now