⚡️⛓️‍💥 The Wrath Of Savitar⚡️⛓️‍💥

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"Now before my greatness, be in awe as you are in the presence of the almighty—"

Barry: Enough with the religious nonsense.

See the thing was that talking to Savitar was not exactly something Julian wanted the team to do, he hated having the god of speed stick in his head but alas he knew it was the right thing to do, no matter if he didn't like it

Barry was frustrated with the god of speed, everything that has happened shouldn't have happened, especially Iris being targeted by him

Barry: You were just a man like me.

"I'm nothing you, Barry. You're cruel, you're selfish. From my perspective you're the big bad."

Savitar was telling him the truth that he believe..the future Barry had thrown him away, discarded him for who he was..he was cruel despite him being there to help him

And not to mention how selfish he was to think he was the only person allowed to grieve..but no matter..soon Savitar would have what was taken from him

H.R: Stupid.

H.R. says with a scoff as he taps his wand against his arm catching Savitar's attention

"Still here, pretender? Still trying to find your place?"

H.R.: I found my place. It's standing here with these people against you.

Savitar was amused by the fake wells' confidence, like he actually believed he stood a chance..but he didn't

"You know the sad thing is. You live. You survive my the wrath. A coward, irony."

Savitar replied back, looking at Barry after saying the word, "Irony"

Barry: Where are you?

He asked the god..truly wanting to know where his location was.. from what he understood it's somewhere that his future self had placed him

Barry: You said that I trapped you in the future. Where?

"The only place you could think of."

Savitar replies with a grin covering Julian's lips

"The only place that could hold me."

Barry: How long have you been imprisoned?

"Long enough to lose my mind several times over. It's only my will that keeps me on this side of sanity."

Despite being trapped, it was the hate that drived him, Savitar's hate for everyone that stood in this room kept him from falling apart; without the hate..not even he knew what would've happened to him

Cisco: You know it's funny, when I think of sanity, I don't necessarily think of Savitar.

Cisco says with sarcasm in his voice as Savitar looks over at the meta human; Savitar had forced Cisco to see his brother back when they first spoke to him through Julian..even the god of speed was surprised that vibe didn't listen to the hallucination of his now deceased brother

"Well that's because you're small Cisco. You've always been small. Reverb told you that you coulda been a god. But instead, you'd rather work as tech support."

Barry had his hand up to lips staring at Savitar, catching his attention from Cisco by asking him

Barry: Mind telling me why we were enemies?

"Because we had to be. Only one of us could live. You thought that Thawne and Zoom were biggest foes. But it's me, it's always been me, Barry."

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