Chapter fifteen

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It has been quite a long time since I last saw Lilly. I tried messaging her, but looks like she doesn't have internet yet. Lilly went to Bali in Indonesia with her family for her summer vacation and I.. oh well I am stuck here with the curls, if you know what I mean.

Last Saturday was fun around Harry. His health is now way much better, but when I tried to ask him what did he do to get that high fever and as usual he ignored my question. Nevertheless, I convinced him to go to the doctor and his friends were quite mad at him for not telling them anything, but I finally knew what happened. Apparently, the doctor said that he ate something from the street that wasn't really clean and contained some harmful bacteria and that bloody bacteria was behind all the sickness he got that day.

Being in a relationship with the one you truly love is breathtaking, but being in a relationship with a boyband singer is sometimes a pain in the neck as in getting so much hate and judgemental comments, but nothing is perfect and I am glad that this is the only disadvantage in the relationship.. despite his stubbornness and anger management problems.

"Good morning boo" I greeted as Harry picked up his phone.

"Morning, love." He greeted with his deep morning voice that I die to hear everyday.

"Are you still in bed?" I asked and he hummed a yes as a reply.

"Get off your lazy ass, it's 12 pm and you have to pick me up at 1:30" it feels so good to command him at least once in every while.

"Beth what did I tell you about cursing."

"But that is not a curse, it's something we all have and it helps us to feel comfy when we sit down." I bit back.

"Where are your biological terms on this one ha." He asked.

"Haha, not today.. I don't feel like annoying you with them so comeon and by the way you still didn't tell me about what happened yesterday."

"Oh.. why Scott didn't tell you? I thought he talks to you everyday."

"Scott? No, he didn't.. I haven't spoken to him since three days."

"Aha, but that's not what he said."

"What do you mean? I'm not lying to you harry."

"I know boo.. well let's talk about that when I come over."

"Okay. I will go get ready now."

"Alright see you baby"


Something really important I got to know when I first started dating Harry is that he hates a girl who curses, full stop. He hates cursing in general even if he's angry the worst you are going to hear out of his mouth is bloody and prick. That's all and oh my God if he uses them then you know you have to stand away from his sight.. hide behind him I say. It was really difficult for me to have the habit of not cursing and since lilly left for her vacation I got to get hold of it a little bit, but I'm really glad of how supportive Harry is with me on this topic specially.

Moving on, what in the world did Scott do?! I have to call him even though it might or will annoy Harry, but I have to hear the two sides.

"Hello, Scott here" he replied after the third calling beep.

"Hello Scott, it's me Beth."

"Ah Beth I definitely recognised your angelic voice."

"Didn't you save my number?"

"Oh I did but, I changed my phone two days ago and they had this amazing phone cover that looked AMAZING!! But it was.. "

"Aha Scott actually I called you to ask you about something really important " I cut him off of his talk.

"Sure, what's going on "

"Harry just told me that he saw you yesterday"

"Yes, he did.. I tried to be nice but he's really aggressive"

"No he's just protective.. can you tell me what happened?"

"Okay.. but before I start talking.. why did your tone change with me? Don't let harry ruin our friendship beth."

"Not if that what's you are trying to do." I whispered slowly.

"What?! I have no intention on doing that what so ever! Even if I have feelings for you I would never do that.. I'm really disappointed beth.. I didn't think the day would come that you would actually say something like that."

"Just tell me what happened Scott"

I know I am being harsh but I am really confused at the moment. He was silent but I can hear him take a deep breath.

"Scott?".. "okay I am sorry."

"Whatever Beth. Anyways.. I saw him yesterday at the bar and he asked me if we still talk and I was quite drunk, so I messed up with the days and told him that we talk everyday.. then he asked me what do you talk about and I laughed but I swear to God Beth I wasn't being myself. I would never do that sober."

"And then he got angry? " I asked.

"Yes, he did.. he smashed his cup infront of me and left."

"Is that all of what you said?"

"I don't remember. "

"Thank you Scott so much."

"Beth.. wait, please.."

I hung up before any word can come out of his mouth after that. He called me a few times but I cancelled. Well, this is going to be a lovely day around Harry. Sigh.


NOTE: Next chapter is going to be a continue to this chapter's last scene. I hope you are enjoying this story so far x. Tell me what you think about this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share it with your beloved friends xoxo

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