Part 19

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The scene changes to a science lab

Evie: Any chance he's in line for a throne?Anywhere in line.

"Thank goodness your daughter is not useless" exclaimed Cruella while staring daggers at Camila.

"Thanks, Mom," Camila said with a hint of sarcasm. After a while, she looked down at her hands. Raven noticed this and gave her a reassuring smile, letting her know she understood what it was like growing up on the Isle.

"True but still you know he should be a prince that will soon be a're such a disappointment." wined the evil queen

Doug: Chad. prince chand charming jr. cinderella's son had inherited the charms, but not a lot there there you know what I mean.

"hey, how dare're not even a prince" yelled Chad offensively.

"it's the truth" exclaimed Doug with a shrug while Evie tried to hide a smile.

Evie: Looks like there there to me.

"Evies you know you don't need a prince right? Any guy would be lucky to have you" Carlos said while looking at Evie. Evie just gave him a tight lip smile.

Doug: sighs 

Teacher: Evie, perhaps this is just a review for you, what is the average atomic weight of silver?

"what's that?" Ask jay confused

"The total weight of an atom. It is approximately equal to the number of protons and neutrons, with a little extra added by the electrons. The stability of the nucleus, and hence the atom's radioactivity, is heavily dependent upon the number of neutrons it contains." summarised Carlos

Evie: Atomic weight

grabs the magic mirror 

Evie: Let's see how do I find the atomic weight of silver she looks down at the mirror, That would be 106.905 x 5200+108.905 x 480, which, Mr Delay would give us AMU.

Doug: AMU

"Nice trick" commented  Ali.

"What's AMU?" asks Doug confused.

"An atomic mass unit (a.m.u or u) is 1/12th the mass of a carbon-12 atom with six protons and six neutrons in its nucleus. It is used to express atomic masses". Evie blunts out before realising that she did" I mean maybe- I don't know." she mumbled.

"Evie I told you being smart will get you nowhere" yelled the evil queen.

"That actually amazing even I don't know that much" Added Doug

Mr Delay: I forgot, Always a mistake to underestimate-

Evie: A villain. Don't do it again.

"yeah-Tell him Evie" Said Carlos with  a grin

Some of the VKs and AKs laugh at that.

Chad gives Evie a paper, Evie smiles as she reads and nods at Chad. She sat back down and sighed as Doug looked grumpy.

"Aww, why so grumpy Doug" chuckled  Lauren, making others laugh around her.

The scene changes to Ben and Carlos on the field.

Carlos huffed on seeing himself.

"Training is not Carlos's thing he's more into building stuff" Said Camila

"really -I mean he looks so fit, "Jane said causally, but then she realised what she said and blushed while saying sorry while Carlos looked equally red and was panicking.

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