part 8

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Mal: did this little botton just open the magic barrier?

"You did not think you would give that instead of  the want " said maleficent

Driver: No,this opens the magic,that one open my garage and this button....
He close the window *

Mal: ok nasty I like that guy

" of course you do " said evie and raven

*car arrived in aurodon

Jay and carlos fell out fighting over a towel

Oh no! Said Laura, mal,evie,raven,camila

Carlos:Oh ow! Stop it!

Carlos: you got everything else why do you want whether this is

Jay: cause you want it!

Carlos ; No!

Jay: give it to me!

Carlos : ow

Jay: let go!

Mal : guys,guys we have an audience !

" do they always fight like that asked

" yep said camilla and laura

Jay: just cleaning up

Picks up carlos*

FGM: leave it like you found it ! And by that I mean just leave it

Jay throws the things inside back inside the limo, and walks towards audrey *

Jay : Hello foxy! The names jay

Aurora laughs nervously *

FGM: welcome to arodon fairy Godmother,headmistress

Mal: the fairy godmother as in bibbidi- bibbidi- boo

FGM: Bibbidi- bobbodi you know it

" shameful mal shameful " said faybelle

Mal: yeah I have always wondered how it felt like for Cinderella when you just approached out of no where with that sparkly wand and a warm smile....

" what are you trying to do mal said faybelle

FGM: oh

Mal: and that sparly wand

" you better not be doing what we think your doing said maleficent

FGM: that was a long time ago. And like I've always said don't focus on the past or you will miss the future.

Ben: it's so good to finally meet you ben

Eyes mal*

Audrey: prince Benjamin. So to be king.

" that's not the first thing you should know " said ahslyn

Evie: you have me  at prince .my mom's a queen which makes me princess.

Audrey: the evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you .

Fake smile*

" Audrey that's no way to talk to someone even if they are evil " said briar

Ben: this is audrey

Audrey: princess audrey.His girlfriend. Right benny boo

" Hey that's my nickname " rose under her breath

" you don't insult someone by telling them that they are not a princess and  right after that tell them that you are the kings to be girlfriend and  that telling them that you are a princess. That's not how I raised you to be " said Aurora

FGM: ben and audrey are going to show you all around ,and I will see to kids tomorrow,.The doors of wisdom are never shut
Breaks audrey and Ben's hands .

but the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00 .and as you may know I have a lot thing about curfews

FGM and the bands left

Ben: it's so good to finally meet you all

Jay bunch him hard in the chest

" you had to do that " said Laura

" what " said jay as if he didn't see anything

Shakes mal's hands getting lost in her eyes

"Something tells me that Mali is getting a boyfriend".said hadie smirking

" yep" said hayden smirking

Ben: this is a moment occasion a one that I hope will go down in history

Licks his finger after shaking Carlos's hand

Chocolate? As the day our two people began to heal

Mal: or the day you showed 4 people where the bathrooms are

Everyone laughed at this

" what are you trying to tell mali said hadie

" you got the fact that this is the future "  said mal

Ben: a little bit over the top

Mal: that's more than a little bit

Ben: so much for my first impression.

Audery: hey you're Maleficent's daughter aren't you? Yeah you know what I totally do not blame you for your mother trying g to kill my parents and stuff .oh my mom's aurora .sleeping....

" seriously audrey you had to bring that up as if telling them that you're Ben's girlfriend was not enough " said Philip

Mal: bueaty! Yeah I've heard the know i totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening.

" Ha that's it mali tell her "said hadie

Audrey: water under the bridge

Mal: toads

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