part 7

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Jafar: now recite our mantra

Jay: There's no team In 1

"That's not how the saying goes" said herkie

Jafar: oh run're making me tear up

Jay: My bag

Jafar: yeah

Steals stuff off the table*

Jay: dad

Jafar: coming

Maleficent and mal are standing on the balcony looking out at Aurodon as the people crowed around the limo*

MALEFICENT: the future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it .

Mal looks conflicted as MALEFICENT walk away *


"This is ridiculous she just a child" king beast said angrily as he stood up looking at MALEFICENT and pointing at mal.

"That's too much pressure for a child "said Aurora

Evil queen: Ah! Smell like common folk

Cruella: carlos come back here now!

Chase him *

Jay: carlos

Carlos throw his bag in the trunk and go inside after jay*

Cruella: carlos ingrate

Mal walks you and hand her bag over. Rest a hand on top of the limo door
And look up to see her mother at the balcony and gives the sign ' am watching you '.

Jafar: Bye- Bye

Driver: the jackals have landed

"We will fire that driver "said rose and ben

Jafar: bring home the gold

Cruella: bring home a puppy

Evil queen: bring home a prince

"Seriously "said snow  white,  her prince ,Aladdin, jasmine at the same time

Jay and carlos see candy and start fighting over who gets it first.

Evie: you're looking a little wash out, let me help you out

Tries to put blush on mal

Hadie and Hayden were laughing their butt of at the seen evie tried to but blush on mal

"Bad Idea evie she will never give in "said Hayden laughing

"How do you know that ?"asked Lonnie

"She's my tw- best friend I know her since we were little so yeah" .he said

Lonnie did not miss the part where he  was going twin but she thinks that she must be hearing things

Mal: ewww stop am plotting

"Yes mal don't get distracted like those idiots "said maleficent

" far as I know mal.......she wasn't plotting "said faybelle

"Oh shut up" MALEFICENT told faybelle who was taken aback

Evie: well that's not very attractive

Evie takes a bit a blue rock candy*

Carlos: oh!these it's salty like nuts but sweet lik ei don't know what

"You guys never had chocolate "asked briar

"No "said all the VKs

Jay: let me see.

Carlos opens his mouth wit half chewed peanuts and chocolate

"Ewww brother that's gross"said camilla

"Agreed" said evie and mal

Jay: ewww. hits carlos' a head  and took the remaining candy from carlos and puts it in his mouth

Carlos: ow smiles as jay nod in approval of the candy

Evie turns to look at the window

Evie: look !'s a TRAP

VKS: ahhh!

They huddle together with mal and  jay holding evie and  Carlos close to them

"Great  3  dead souls in the underworld "hades murtted under his breath but enough for his elder sister to hear .

"You mean 4 "whisper hadiya in hades ear

"Wha- yeah I mean 4 yeah" replied hades.

The magic bridge appears

Carlos: what  just happened

Evie: it must be magic

"Ofcourse its magic you idiots" said MALEFICENT

"Ok Mali is not an idiot ........she is actually really smart "said hadie

"Yeah" agreed faybelle with a smile then turn into a angry face" at being good"

"don't blame us we don't know how magic works "said mal annoyed

"You don't mal  but I do" said faybelle

"At least one of my daughters is not weak"said maleficent

'I am not weak I am very strong stronger than faybelle 'mal thought to her self

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