part 9

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Ben: ok how about a tour? Yeah? Aurodon prep,originally built over 3000 years ago and convinced into a high school by my father when he became king

Ben claps his hands together at the statue of king adam and he morphs into a beast. Carlos screams and jump into Jay's arms

" seriously this is how you raised a child " said Anita

Ben: carlos it's ok my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to men to remain is that anything is possible

Mal: does he shed much?

Ben: yeah ,mom won't let him on the couch

Mal look at Ben pursing her lips to see if he was kidding or not

" son "

" what.....but it's true honey " said bellle giving Adam an amusing look

Walks away from the statue and carlos tried to clap and train it.Thay walk into the school

Mal: so you guys have a lot of magic here in aurodon? Like wands and things like that.

Ben: oh,yeah it exist ofcourse, but it's pretty much retired.most of us here are just ordinary mortals.

Mal: who happened to be king and queens,

Audrey: that's true our blood goes back hundreds of years

Puts Ben's arms around her

" are you trying to force my brother in loving you because if that's not the case then benny will have do it him self "said rose

" they had to know that we are more powerful than them and that mal and her friends are just......"

" HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR SIBLINGS " said hadie ,hayden ,jay,Carlos

Hades click his fingers and audrey mouth is zip.everybody turn and look at hades shocked

" what! .......she deserve that " said hades

" Brother ........let her go ! Said persephone in disbelief

" fine"

"Wait ......I thought that hadie and Hayden didn't have siblings so why are they standing up " said chad

" uhh....we.. we are all best friends and yeah we care for each other

Ben: Doug,Doug Doug come down ........This is doug He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the test of the dorms.i will see you later ok?

looks into mals eyes and talk

And if you need anything else feel free to ...

Audrey: ask Doug

Hadie and Hayden can feel their anger rise ,mal give them a warm smile so that they calm down .

Mal: Ha

Purse her lips staring at audrey

Doug: Hi guys. Am dopey' s son as in dopey, doc ,bashfum , happy,grumpy,sleepy and......

Looks at evie

Doug: Heigh- ho

Evie: evie

walks closer to doug smile

evil queen' s daughter

"Love is in the air "mal said smirking at evie making evie and doug bluish

" evie don't you dare love that dwarf " said evil queen angrily

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