part 6

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Carlos: yeah,maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing.

Cruella:oh, carlos they have dogs in arodon

"Seriously "said herkie

Carlos: oh ,no! am not going

"Carlos dogs are nice ......they will lick your face and play with you" said rose

"So they don't eat at all?"said Carlos

"They eat meat but not living being" said rose

"Oh ,I-that make sence "carlos  said and camilla looks at  cruella who was giving them a dead look" or maybe  not"  said camilla finishing her brother's sentence

Jafar: well,jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store

Look at jay

What did you score

"Seriously not even' hello son ' nothing, "said Aladdin

"Well the only way to get our parents' attention is to prove to them that we are just as evil and powerful and cruel as them," Mal said

Everyone looks at all the VK's shock

Jafar: oh.
drops everything to ho.d the lamp and starts to rub it

Jay: Dad l already tried

Jafar: Ah!
Throw the lamp away

"Does he know that there's no magic on the isle? "said Ali confused

"Well he is just like Cruella who thinks that someone will throw away a fur coat he thinks that someone will throw a lamp that has a genie in it" said Laura

Evil queen: Evie is not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrows?

"What unibrows "said everyone

"Well,....that's the evil queen she is a little bit crazy, "said Hadie in an amusing tone

"YOU WORTHLESS BREAT I WILL POISON YOU, "said the evil queen angrily

"Hey my son is  not worthless " said Hades shocking all the AKS

"Hades is one of the good parents on the isle" said mal

Hadie laughed a little at the evil Queen you know for a fact that you can't kill me right......I mean I am not my mother's son but my Father's.he said with a smirk

"How dare you....."

"Mom that's enough" Evie shouted

MALEFICENT: what's wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years,l have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years,they have robbed us of our revenge...

"Well Mal was the one who searched for a way off the isle not you "said Hayden

"HAYDEN I will punish you once we get back to the isle " said MALEFICENT

"Ok  sorry geez "said Hayden

"Denny you better be every careful "mal said

"You too mal "said MALEFICENT in a cold voice

"Watch your back mali"said  hadie

"HADIE" said mal annoyed

Hadie and mal did a secret staring contest

Hades shake his head in disbelief but a smile can be seen on his face  but hera saw it and was about to tell zeus.

"Ok you two stop" he said

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