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Mal walk out of the room while looking from left to right.

" shh............carlos" mal said

" coming " said carlos

Few people laugh at that

They ran to the museum

" check your mirror" mal said to evie

" is my mascara smudged " said evie

" yeah .......and while your at it see if you can find use the wand"

" yeah "

"Seriously did you not hear the scream in her voice" said hercule

Mal smirk

" so close. Upstairs " said evie

" Come on .go,go,go,go,up,up,up,up,up

" come on guys .almost their"

Mal ,evie, carLos ,jay took a wrong turn and find themselves in a hall of villans with statues of their parents

" mommy" said evie

" killer " said jay

" I will never for get mothers day again "

" umm...what does that suppose to mean " ask rose confuse

Carlos and camila said nothing but shake their head in horror

" well the wands not here ,let's bounce .let's go.

They all go but mal stayed

" the future of the free world rest on your shoulders. Don't blow it" said a remember voice

Hadie and hayden share a look ,they feel bad that their sister is douting herself

" having second thoughts mal " ask faybelle

Mal glared her

" Hey I found the wand .let's go said evie "

ik that i tookfor ever to publish but i did really had time .....sorry

plz help save palestine

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