bonus chapter

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Maleficent, perched at the edge of her seat, exclaimed, "Finally something good." With a hint of hesitation, she added, "Don't ruin this, kiddo."

It appeared as if she was making a visible effort to prevent herself from speaking further, her facial expressions and body language suggesting an internal struggle. Aurora thought.

"NO" Audrey bellowed as she stood up and slapped Mal across the face.

All hell broke loose.

"Audrey apology," Aurora said as she stood up and walked down while looking at her daughter with disappointment. To be honest she was afraid of what Maleficent would do to her. Mal was glaring at Audrey with her eyes glowing green.

In an instant, the room turned darker, the walls became non-existent, and incoherent whispers could be heard. If it weren't for the fire torches in the alcoves of the wall, the room would have been pitch black. an icy wind danced on the skin of the people in the room. A dead silence fell across the room.

Mal, Hadie and Hayden exchanged a knowing glance. While everyone in the room stood up, Most parents grabbed a hold of their kids.

Hades clicked his fingers and he appeared in front of Audrey. Audrey whimpers as the air around Hades crackles with an otherworldly aura, suffused with the echoes of tormented souls and the whispers of the damned. Every movement reverberates with a sense of impending doom as if the very earth trembles beneath his wrathful gaze. Hades made a downward motion with his fingers which resulted in Audrey falling to her knees gasping for air. Hades watched her with a cold calculated gaze.

"Dad" Hadie tried. but his father was not paying him attention as he focused his gaze on the mortal in front who had done nothing other than yell and mistreat his daughter since the start of this nonsense. He did not want to be here but since this is Mal's life in the future, he wanted to know how this would end.

Audrey's heart pounded against her chest as she stood before the lord of the dead. His presence seemed to fill the room, and she felt as if she was suffocating in his aura. A lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed hard, trying to suppress the fear and dread that consumed her from the inside out. Her skin broke out in goosebumps, and she shivered uncontrollably as an icy chill danced across her skin. She felt as if every part of her was trembling, and she wondered if she would be able to hold herself together in the face of such an overwhelming force.

"You little-" An ominous aura surrounded Hades as he bellowed, his voice echoing through the chamber and sending shivers down everyone's spine. Mal felt her heart race as she watched her father's anger grow to an unprecedented level. The darkness that had once been his ally now seemed to consume him, making him more intimidating than ever before. His voice, deep and thunderous, seemed capable of shaking the very foundations of the underworld. Mal had never seen her father like this, and it was clear that everyone present was equally petrified.

" Hades calm down" Hera, the queen of the gods, tried to pacify Hades, the god of the underworld, who was in a state of rage. Hera was perplexed by Hades' intense anger towards the mortal who had slapped Maleficent's daughter. Although she agreed that the mortal's actions were uncalled for and insane, Hera couldn't fathom why Hades was so infuriated by the incident. Hera attempted to reason with Hades but to no avail. She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something deeper that was causing Hades' rage.

"Hades " Zeus intervened as he materialized between his brother and the pink mortal. "She is just a mortal, calm down," he warned Hades, who was glaring at him. Hades turned his attention away from the mortal, allowing her to breathe and towards his daughter, Mal. One look at Mal was enough to make him realize that causing a scene wasn't worth it. If the others found out about Mal, regardless of whether they were mortal or not, they would reject her. For her sake, Hades decided to back down."Stay. away. from. her" With one glare he returned to his seat with his hair on fire, literally.

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