Part 21

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Okay, first of all, ⬆⬆⬆This is amazing. Beware, this song will put you under a spell of madness.  oh, and for those who don't know, The Villains' Lair by Pattycakeproduction is a series with two seasons, which is available on YouTube. The "2" in the video title indicates season 2.

Mal: I think it's time for benny-boo to get himself a new boyfriend and I need a love spell

Carlos throws the book at her

Percy Jackson son of Posiedon

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Percy Jackson son of Posiedon


"There will be someone else joining us today, everyone Meet Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon," Sarah said as a bright light began to shimmer, and when it disappeared a boy with blonde curly hair and blue ocean eyes appeared. He was holding a pen in his hands. Which sorta confused people.

Mal, Hayden and Hadie shared a confused look. Mal glanced at her father who gave her a small nod, answering her unasked question.

"uh-" Percy said looking around the big room confused as he stored his pen in his pocket. 

"let me recap," Sarah said as she put one of the long fingers on Percy's head, Percy on the other hand saw images flashing through his head of people talking, his father, his uncles.

after a couple of minutes of blinking he looks up at the four cores" So we are reacting to them.". a lot of people nodded "Why?"

Pesiedon cleared his throat, "hello son" 

"Hi," he replied. He had just got to camp and then was claimed by Poseidon and now, suddenly he was transported here.

"You can go and sit next to Hayden over there," Sarah said as a single sofa appeared between Laura and Hayden. As Percy takes his seat, "Hi, am Percy" Hayden gives him a side glance. "you're Hades' son, right?"

"Okay now that we are all here, let's get started" With a click of her fingers the room went dark again

The scene changes to the core four in the kitchen.

" You guys are making a love potion in the kitchen?" Aladdin questioned confused "Thought it would be somewhere you know, less public" He added when he saw that those around him were giving weird looks.

"Hello, they are making live poison to poison the future king," Audrey said angrily 

"Hello," EQ replied, clearly oblivious to the sarcasm. Everyone struggled to stifle their laughter.

"I'm shocked that you didn't expect this. People stuck on an island for almost 20 years would rebel." Percy stated bluntly. Hayden scoffed at that comment and glared at Percy with his green eyes.

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