part 5

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MALEFICENT: and with that wand and my scepter I will be able to bend the good and the bad to my will

Evil queen: our will

MALEFICENT: our will, our will , our will. And if you refuse you will be grounded for the rest of your life missy.

"You wouldn't dare," said Adam

"Oh I  would and i will!" MALEFICENT told him She look at Mal and mal nodded her head as if to say yes

"Poor kids," he said to himself


The two stare down with their eyes glowing green, Mal gives up and looks down.

"That's how Mal and her mom break all the disagreement, "said Jay breaking the silence

Mal: fine whatever

Maleficent: I win

Evil queen: Evie my evilette in training, you just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother in law wing.

"E you don't need a prince "said mal

Evil queen and Evie: and a room with lots and lots of mirrors! Evie laughed

"She says that a lot" said snow white

"Yep" said Evie and raven

Evil queen: ah no laughing wrinkles

"That not true Evie you have the right to laugh," said apple

Cruella: well ....they are not taking my Carlos away cause I will miss him too much

"Really!" Said Camilla and Carlos

"Wait now that I realised it where were we .....I mean their is only mal,Evie,Carlos
, Jay and some aks" said Laura

"You went to another school "said Sara

"Oh," said Laura

Carlos: really mom

Cruella: yes. Who would touch up my roots? fluff my furs and scrape the bunions off my feet

"That's no way to treat and raise a child" shouted jasmine at the villain parents

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