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Mal:Ew.ugh! I'm going to need some serious sunscreen.

Hayden: ah

Mal: what's so funny

Hayden:since when dis you care about how you look

Mal roll her eye and turn

Evie: yeah

Mal: E

* mal and evie close the curtains *

Mal: whew!that's much better

Briar: How ..the room is dark

Hadie : their is no sun on the isle remember

Briar: oh right

Carlos: whoo!whoa!Ah!whoa!

Camilla: whoo ......I get that it's new and all but seriously

Mal and evie walks in

Mal: jay,what are you doing

Jay: it's call stealing

Mal: I know what its call idiot

Mal:okay ,what's the point

Jay: well,mal it's like buying everything I want, except it's free

Hey guys

I know I did not update in a long time since 3 weeks ago school open and I am in 8th grade and I have a really buys schedule .

So I won't be writing a lot or offten

plz deal with it and maybe am not sure but maybe next weekend I will update

Plz vote and comment

Bye for now Aishah

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