The Top Agent

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Rouge hurried out to the car, tossing me the keys as Midnight and Omega got into the backseat.
She tossed our briefcases and bags into the trunk and slid into the passenger seat.

Silver had just called stating that we needed to be there in and hour and a half. My phone said traffic was bad today so we were all moving quickly.

We had all gotten dressed into our work clothes, and ate breakfast quickly.
Now we were pulling out of the driveway to get moving.

I drove down the roads, getting caught in traffic at stoplights and other places.

We made it to the building just in time with around 20 minutes to spare.

As we got out of the car Rouge tossed my bag to me and grabbed her purse.

"Shadow! Your tie is wrong!" She said, running over and grabbing my tie.

"Ack, Rouge!" I growled, as she attempted to fix it.

"There better. We don't wanna look like hot messes in front of the top agent." She said, letting go.

"Jeez, alright, mom..." I groaned.

She snorted and rolled her eyes.

We walked into the building and into the main floor lobby.

The lobby was much more bustling with life and people as agents and tech and workers moved from place to place in the building. We headed straight through the crowd towards the elevator.

"Hold the door!" Midnight shouted to one of our coworkers.

He put his hand in the doorway, stopping the elevator doors from moving.
"Thanks Mighty." I said to the armadillo as we moved in.

"You're welcome." He said.

Mighty was a stout but well built armadillo mobian who worked down in IT for the agency. He had black glasses and a white shirt with a red tie and red slacks. Plus he had a heavy Australian accent.
He was a respectable man, and we chatted occasionally.

I pressed the button to the floor we needed to go to.
The elevator doors closed and I could feel it move upwards.

"So, I heard you four are working with the top agent." He said. "Word of advice, don't mess around with them. I've seen the files on their missions, and they are real business."

I nodded and Rouge leaned over to him.

"So what are they like? Do you know their name? What gender are they?" She asked.

"Sorry, mate, but I'm not allowed to disclose that kinda stuff. I could be fired. This agent takes their information really seriously." He chuckled.

The elevator reached our floor.

We stepped off and I waved slightly to Mighty as the doors closed. He politely waved back.

Now to Tower's office...

We walked down the hall, the situation feeling similar to yesterday. However know we knew we were going to meet the agency's top and best agent.

My mind raced with scenarios of what they would be like. Surely they'd be someone respectable and disciplined.
Then again they could be someone annoying and have a "personality".

We got to the office doors and stepped in. Silver was at his desk like usual, typing away at the computer.

He looked up as we walked in.

"Ah, he's waiting for you four. I'll tell him you're here." Said Silver.

He pressed the intercom and spoke into it and Tower answered back, and then the doors swung open.

"There you go! Good luck, you four!" He said as we walked in.

The doors closed behind us and we saw Tower sitting at his desk, four chairs in front of it, waiting for us.

We all sat down, Omega in the reinforced chair that they placed for him since he was so large and heavy.

"I'm glad you're all here just as I asked, our agent arrived this morning but before you meet them we're going to lay down what to do when working with them." Said Tower.

"Understood." We all answered.

"You will still be your own team but they're in charge, you will follow all their commands and whatever action they order you to take or whatever identity they tell you to take on, you do it. Shadow you will still have control over your team but you answer to them, got it?" Said Tower.

I was slightly disheartened by that. I was the leader, having my role handed off to another felt dishonorable but it's what I had to do for this. I nodded, and he continued.

"They are not to share anything about them with you unless consented. They have already done a background check on you four but you will receive no background check on them. It it all highly confidential."

That was strange. Who would want to stay that secret that not even their team knows about them. When we first started working together we all did background checks on each other. Although I knew almost everything already about Rouge since we grew up together.

"If anything happens to them, you are immediately to call in us. They are highly important to the operation and if they go missing or are severely injured we can't have you risking anything."

"Why, Commander, you almost make it seem like I'm irreplaceable!" Laughed a smooth and silky voice from the shadows in the corner of the room.

We all turned and saw a figure standing in the darkness, in the doorway of the separate room connected to Tower's office.

"Agent, you are irreplaceable. You should know that by now." Groaned Tower.

"I'm just joking, no need to take it seriously!" Laughed the figure.

"Agents, I want you to meet your new partner, and your temporary team leader." Said Tower, gesturing to them.

They stepped out of the darkness and we could see them all clearly.

I could hear Rouge gasp and my eyes widened.

Standing in the office of Tower, was a short but slender male hedgehog. He had bright sapphire blue quills and soft green eyes. He was wearing a dark satin green sleeveless turtleneck with white slacks and green heels, and a white blazer hanging off his shoulders like a cape.

Sonic Mintz...the idol...was standing right there.

His green eyes flickered with amusement and he smirked, gazing at us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Agents."

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