Suited up

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I groaned as Sonic came in carrying a bag of clothes.

"Now, as my bodyguards you have to look your best. Then again that's not hard for you four considering you're all decently attractive." Said Sonic.

Rouge giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"However looking good also means dressing fine and professional. So, I got you all your outfits you must wear when posing as my bodyguards." Sonic explained getting the clothes out of the bag and tossing the outfits to each of us.

"Go put them on, then come downstairs because I have a dance rehearsal today and I'm meeting up with one of my besties for shopping!" He said all-sing song.

We nodded and headed upstairs, getting into the elevator.

It had been two days since we moved in and I was somewhat used to the place. It just seemed a little too big for me. I mean, our old house was decently large, but it was a good enough size.

All our stuff had gotten here with the moving trucks, and we had settled into our rooms.

I got to my room and went inside to change.

The outfit he had gotten me was a nice black tuxedo with red and black sunglasses. It had dark red shoes and white socks.
I pulled it all on and then looked in the mirror.
I looked like someone from Men-in-Black, classy.

I sighed and stretched, then headed back downstairs.
Rouge was already waiting. She was in a dark velvet pink dress with a white blazer, she had on white heeled boots and sunglasses as well.

"Hey! Lookin' good handsome!" She chuckled, lowering her glasses to look at me with those playful diamond eyes.

"I suppose it's a nice outfit." I mumbled.

Omega and Midnight came in. Omega wore a much larger suit and bow tie made to fit him, and Midnight wore a dark blue and purple jumper, with a black blazer and black heeled boots. She also had a pair of sunglasses.

"Gotta admit, Sonic's got a good sense for fashion." Said Midnight.

She sat down and brushed off her lap.

We all waited then the elevator opened the click of heels was relevant.

"Well, well, well! You all look amazing!" He laughed.

He was now wearing a much more nicer outfit then his causal one. He had on a pair of lavender jeans and a white off the shoulder blouse with a violet feather boa. He had purple sunglasses in the shape of butterfly wings with small jewels hanging off them. He also had on a pair of white leather boots with gold heels. He grabbed a puffy white jacket and a purple satchel off the coatrack.

"Now, let's go, my limo is waiting. Who wants to drive?"

He swung a pair of keys around his finger.

"I shall operate the vehicle." Said Omega.

"Marvelous." Said Sonic, tossing the keys to him.

We stepped outside and walked at Sonic's sides, formal and orderly.

The limo was waiting in the driveway and Sonic stepped in. I followed him in with Rouge and Midnight on my tail. Omega got in the front and the screen on the car panel lit up.

"Just follow those directions to our location, darling." He purred.

Omega nodded and then started the car, we drove off.

We drove into one of the most busiest cities, Emerald Station.

There were people all over the streets and some of them stopped to stare at the limo. Thank chaos the windows were tinted so you couldn't see who was inside, or else if any of Sonic's fangirls saw him, we would most likely get mobbed.

Omega pulled up into a vip parking lot and stopped the car.

A woman, a cat mobian, came over with another person and opened the door.

Sonic got out first, taking her hand as she offered it to step out.

"Sonic, good to see you." She said politely.

"Blaze! How is everything, my dear?" He chirped.

"Quite fine, Miss Amy has not stopped talking about how excited she was to see you." Said the Blaze woman.

She was a tall and lean cat, with lavender fur and golden eyes. She had a red gem in the middle of her forehead and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore black suit pants and a black vest with faint grey stripes. Her white button up underneath had the sleeves rolled up her elbows, and she wore a pair of dark purple leather shoes on her paws.

The other person with her was another woman, with wild red curly hair. She was a female mobian beaver with a gap tooth in her grin. She had chestnut brown eyes and she wore a suit as well but it seemed like more of a tuxedo look than Blazes. She had a pair of sunglasses pushed up on her head.

Her name tag on her jacket read "Claire".

I stepped out and Rouge and Midnight followed me. Omega climbed out of the driver's seat.
"Oh! And these are?" Asked Blaze.

"These are my new bodyguards. Claire, Blaze, Meet Omega, Rouge, Midnight, and Shadow."

"Pleasure to meet you." Said Blaze, holding out a hand for me to shake.

I glanced at it and ignored it.

"Sorry, bout' him, he's like my brother and he's a huge grump." Chuckled Rouge, who shook Blaze's hand instead.

"Understandable. Shall we head in?" Asked Blaze.

"Yep, let's go before the paparazzi catches the smell of my perfume and come hunting!" Laughed Sonic.

We walked beside Sonic as Claire and Blaze led him towards the large building's entrance.
I was on his right, Rouge on his left, and Midnight and Omega in the back.

We passed by a few people and some noticed Sonic.

Girls excitedly waved and snapped pictures and he just turned and waved back with a smile.

Of course he loved all the damn attention.

We walked inside and Claire then turned to Sonic.

"Would you like me to take your jacket and bag, sir?" She asked.

"Why yes, thank you." He purred, handing her his white jacket and satchel.

"I shall go fetch her, you wait here." Said Blaze.

Sonic nodded, and Blaze went up the stairs that opened out onto the large lobby we stood in.
Everything was so pink and purple it seemed like someone had made a life sized Barbie house.

"Now, don't mention the agency to anyone here. No one knows I'm an agent except you four." Said Sonic.

We all nodded and then he turned back to the staircase.

"SONIICCCCCC!" Squealed a high pitched voice.

Someone moved quickly down the stairs, and tackled him in a tight hug. They both fell to the floor and I stepped back in shock.

"Pft hahaha! Hey Ames!" Laughed Sonic to the woman hugging him tightly.

She immediately helped him up and hugged him once more, slightly picking him up of the ground from their height difference. [We love a tall queen and a short king]

She finally let go of him and had a wide grin on her face.

"I missed seeing you around! How were your shows down in Ibiza?" She asked.

"Absolutely wild, the people down there know how to party!" Sonic laughed.

Rouge gasped as her diamond eyes fell upon the other woman.

"Oh my chaos! You're Amy Rose! The award winning actress!"


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