The Idol Spy

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We all watched clearly shocked as Sonic walked over and sat down in another empty chair.

"Agents, You may know him already but this is Agent Sonic Mintz. Our top agent." Said Tower.

"Oh, Commander! You flatter me!" Sonic laughed, as he crossed his legs.

Tower sighed and I finally gained a handle on myself, my jaw snapping shut.

"Agent Sonic?!? How is this possible? You're an idol, a popstar! You're whole life is based around publicity, how is someone like you supposed to be a spy?!?" I demanded, standing up in my chair, my eyes staring hard into his emerald green ones.

It was quiet for a moment but then he smirked and sat up straight.

"You must be Agent Shadow...your background was quite interesting, now onto your point. Why would they expect it?" He giggled.

My eyes widened, as he stood up and slowly paced in front of us, taking in our every feature.

"It's just like you said, how could I possibly be a spy, an agent? And that's exactly what the opposition thinks. They think I'm some pretty face who shows up on magazines and a pretty voice who shows up on the radio! They never expect a high-class agent who has put many criminals behind bars." He purred, running his hand along Tower's mahogany desk.
"Besides, this way I can take on both the jobs I love! Being a secret agent and being a popstar idol."

He then grabbed a yellow manila file from Tower's desk and opened it, reading it as he slowly walked around the Commander's desk.

"So, 17 crimes have happened all over the globe. And 18 kidnappings, none of the victims found and they're all connected." Hummed Sonic, reading as he walked, then leaning onto the desk once he circled around.
"Good thing you'll have me to help." He chuckled.

"I can't believe it! You're an agent! That must be difficult being an idol at the same time..." said Rouge.

"Occasionally, and I suppose the paparazzi do get annoying, but I love it. And how do you suppose the internet knows hardly anything about me? You can search up my name anywhere and all you'll get is basic information, even on Wikipedia. Being an agent has it's quirks and so does being a popstar." He said.

"So, we're working with you...what do we have to do?" Asked Midnight.

"Easy. You four are now my personal bodyguards."

"What?!?" I barked, standing up.

Tower shot me a glance and I huffed and sat back down.

"You four will be taking on the role as my bodyguards, because to everyone else, I'm just a helpless little popstar!" He said in a mocking baby tone. "That way we can work without it seeming conspicuous. Plus I can't always hold off large groups of enemies, I'm only one hedgehog. So, how about we discuss the rest of the terms of our cooperation in my office?"


Soon we were all sitting in his office, which was decorated luxuriously, framed pictures of each of his album covers on the walls and some framed pages and covers of him from magazines. His awards sat in a glass case next to the window.
Most of the decorations were very geometric and modern with a hint of green and plants.
He also had these jewel-like lights hanging from his ceiling almost like fairy lights that cast a rainbow of colors all about the room. A white birch desk with gold accents sat at the back of the room with a green satin swivel chair.

Sonic was sat with a cup of tea and the rest of us got our respectable drinks.
I had black coffee even though I did prefer chewing on the beans.
Rouge had a latte and Midnight had chai.
Omega sat quietly, he didn't need to drink anything.

Sonic sipped his tea then set the cup down on his desk, and rested his chin against his palm.

"So, Agent Shadow, Agent Rouge, Agent Midnight, and Agent Omega...your background files were certainly interesting ones. Did you know I used to live in Singapore as well?" He asked, glancing at Midnight.

"Oh! Uh, cool!" Said Midnight, turning red.

"So, what are these terms and arrangements of our cooperation?" I asked.

I wanted to get straight to the point, there was no time for idle chit chat.

"Ah, yes. I will be assisting you four in finding the missing mobians, but you will have to take on the roles as my personal bodyguards."

He sipped some more tea, and leaned back in his chair.

"I've had one or two bodyguards but none of them were part of the agency, so now, it would be much more vital to our mission if I had you four. You'll get paid like bodyguards as well, along with your payment as agents. When we are in an environment where we're up against opposition in secret, three of you are to spread out and one is to accompany me wherever. Eyes will be on me, not you four, which gives you all a chance to work behind the scenes against our targets. And all the other basic details and stuff of being bodyguards! You gotta keep off paparazzi, protect me from crazy fans, make sure my ending isn't like John Lennon's, and you'll have to live in my mansion as well."

"Wait move out of our house?" I asked.

"Of course, I'm not always safe at home. I have a state of the art security system but some of my fans are very motivated. I've only had one or two break ins but it'd be much safer if you all move in. Plus, much more convenient when we need to plan out our missions." He said.

"Moving in with an idol?!? In a big ole mansion! Awesome!" Said Midnight.

I scoffed and folded my arms.
What was wrong with our current house?

"I have lots of rooms for you all to move into, and I can send a moving team over there with a truck as soon as possible. You can have all of today and tomorrow to pack, I can have the guys take care of it and I'll send a car to pick you four up." He said.

He stood up and brushed off his pants.

"If you'll excuse me, I do need to get going soon. I have an interview going live in a couple of hours. It's a pleasure working with you four." He said smoothly, walking out from behind his desk, his heels clacking against the floor.

"Hold on, how do I know we can trust you? Tower said we get no background on you, and from all I've seen on television you were just a popstar, how do I know you aren't hiding anything else from us?" I growled, standing up and blocking his path.

He looked up at me and stared hard into my eyes, an unreadable expression on his face.

Then he smirked.

"You don't agent." He purred.

He then placed a hand against my chest and pushed, and I moved aside as well.

He left, and I stood there, contemplating what situation I had just got into.

🎶💙✨Idol Spy ✨💙🎵 (Sonic au)Where stories live. Discover now