Move in

139 9 4


We all stood at the door of the large mansion.

And, damn, have I gotta say, this man is fucking wealthy.

I mean it makes sense, he gets paid as an idol and an agent so he probably has so much money he doesn't even know what to do with it.

I held onto my pink suitcase and glanced at my partners.

Shadow had a backpack and a red and black suitcase, Midnight had a swirly blue and yellow suitcase, and Omega had a duffel bag.

We had packed our clothes and basic necessities, but all of our stuff would probably be here soon since the dudes Sonic had sent were fast at working.

Shadow sighed and pressed the doorbell.

I could hear footsteps inside and the door opened, revealing Sonic in a much more casual outfit than I expected.
He was wearing a pale purple pullover sweater with a white turtleneck and gold earrings and glasses, along with dark purple flaired pants.

"Ah! Agents! You're here! Come on in! I was just finished making lunch!" He said.

We all walked in and I marveled at the house.
It was all so...shiny...

Shit, focus Rouge, you let that go a long time ago.

I gripped Midnight's hand and she nodded, squeezing it in comfort.

I was addicted to stealing before I became an agent and got therapy for it. I had eventually let go kleptomania problems but they threatened to come back every now and them.

Sonic's house was gorgeous though.
It was four stories, and the garden and fountain outside added to it's beauty.
The walls inside were painted baby blue with gold leaf patterns, and some sort of jewel string lights hung from ceilings, casting rays of rainbow when sunlight hit them.
Every room seemed to be decorated lusciously, with expensive looking furniture, and here and there were nice looking cat towers or cat toys on the floor.

"Leave your bags here, we'll grab them later." Sonic said.

We walked into the kitchen that was shades of white and blue.

Then I felt something rub up against my leg.

I looked down to see a big fluffy main coon cat, about the size of a beagle.

"Hi big cutie!" I giggled, crouching down to pet the large cat.

Sonic turned and noticed me with the cat.

"Oh that's Moe, he's a big softie, it looks like he likes you!" Sonic giggled, as the cat nuzzled up against me.

"He's so fluffy!" I laughed, as he placed his front paws on my knees.

"Don't you have two others?" Asked Midnight.

"Yup, they should be here somewhereeee...ah! There's another!" He chirped leaving the kitchen out another door.

He came back with a lean black cat with narrowed green eyes, looking much grumpier than Moe.

"This is Maizie! She's a bit grumpy when woke up from naps but she eventually adjusts to new people." Sonic said.

Then a fluffy grey, brown, and black cat jumped up onto the counter near Shadow. This one had yellow eyes and part of it's tail was missing along and it had a prosthetic leg.
It rubbed up against Shadow's arm and I could see him flinch for a moment, but he reluctantly pet the cat.

"Oh, and that's Mothball! But I like to call him Moth for short, I got him from a shelter, apparently he was hurt by his old owners as kitten. But I'm taking care of him and he gets all the love he deserves!" He giggled.

🎶💙✨Idol Spy ✨💙🎵 (Sonic au)Where stories live. Discover now