Movie stars and rehearsals

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No fucking way. Sonic was friends with THE AMY ROSE.

Amy Rose was an icon just as much as Sonic was, and she had won so many awards, some people lose track! She's been in so many fantastic movies and has played all sorts of roles. She plays excellent love interests and badass female leads, plus she's played a few hot villainesses in movies.

And now she was standing in front of us, hugging the idol we had all been set to protect.

Damn this mission was fucking awesome.

"Oh yep! That's me!" Laughed Amy.

She was a tall female hedgehog, maybe not as tall as Shadow but definitely taller than Sonic. She had soft pink quills and pelt, and freckles that matched her playful forest green eyes. Her muzzle and arms were a soft peach, and she had a rose tattoo on one of her arms and some swirly moon design up one of her legs. She was wearing a royal blue dress with a reddish pink fishnet top. She also wore heeled blue sandals, with ankles bracelets and normal bracelets. Her shorter quills were pulled back in a braided bun.

"Oh, yea, Ames, these are my new bodyguards. That's Rouge and Midnight."

"We're both huge fans of your work, hon, you absolutely slay." Said Rouge.

Amy giggled and smiled.

"That's Omega, and the permanently grumpy one is Shadow." Said Sonic, gesturing to them.

"Hello. Miss Amy." Said Shadow.

"Salutations." Said Omega.

"Pulled yourself some lookers huh? Well, you all seem mostly enjoyable! As long as me and Sonic can spill tea and chit chat during shopping, you'll be on my good side." Chuckled Amy.

"Miss Rose, your chauffeur is here." Said Blaze.

"Ah! Perfect timing! Come on! They recently released a new shoe collection down in Nordstrom, and I wanna check it out!" Amy said, grabbing Sonic's hand.

"Oh! Sounds fun! I need more of my lipstick for one of my upcoming shows, someone knocked my old one out of my hand backstage and broke it." Said Sonic.

"Woo! Let's go shopping!" Chirped Amy, as Blaze passed her a pair of heart shaped sunglasses.

They ran out the door and I could hear Shadow groan and follow them.
Blaze followed us too.

"Why are you coming?" I asked.

"Not only am I Miss Rose's butler, but I am also her bodyguard. I was trained in all forms of martial arts, and I have made a promise to protect her from anything." Said Blaze.

"Hm. You sound certainly devoted. Like a Knight talking of her princess." Hummed Rouge.

"I suppose if that's how you want to compare it." Said Blaze.

Rouge and I exchanged glances and smirks. We could practically smell the lesbian vibes off this woman. It may have not been obvious but both Rouge and I had perfect gaydars. I was lesbian as well and Rouge was pansexual.

"You don't happen to...fancy her now?" Asked Rouge.

"What?" Asked Blaze, going red in the face.

"Like feelings. You talk of her like she's your wife..." I hummed.

"I most certainly do not!" Spat Blaze, but she only continued to turn more red.

"Mm-hmmm..." Me and Rouge said in unison.


Blaze grumbled something inaudible and moved a bit faster past us.

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