T is for Tessa

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Simon POV.

Magnus had a psychotic grin on his face all the way back  to his place.

When we got back Jace grinned," Truth or Dare, Fangs?"

What is it with him an the vampire nick names? Forget it.

"I have a better idea," Magnus said," I want to go next."

Jace looked confused which pleased me," But it's my turn and I have a really good dare for Simon."

"Trust me, Herondale, I can do way better than you," Magnus said.

"Fine," Jace said. He looked like he was planning to somehow humiliate Magnus," If you can't, then I get to make you do something that will ruin your reputation for the next century."

Magnus shrugged," Deal." He turned to Tessa," Tessa, Truth or Dare?"

She drummed her fingers on the coffee table," Dare, I guess."

"Perfect," He said with a wicked grin," I dare you  to tell Will that you have Demon Pox."

She drained of all color," If he even hears those two words he goes into a whole song and dance number and then when the song is finished he starts to freak out. It scares me how excited he gets about  this."

I was confused," If he was your husband, isn't he dead by now, or is he immortal too?"

"Of course he's dead," Magnus said as if I should have known.

"How are we gong to tell him or see him then?" At this point I really didn't care but I was enjoying watching Magnus reluctantly explain all of the obvious things to me.

"There is a spell for everything now a days," He said," And before you go off about how necromancy is extremely illegal, Tessa, I would like to point out that this isn't necromancy. I am just going to make him visible and audible to all of us."

"Are you sure I couldn't just hold Church or something?" Tessa said.

"Just do this already," Izzy said," I want to meet Jace's Great-great-great Grandfather.

 Magnus clapped his hands together once which sent blue sparks through the air, and said, "This might take some time so please help your selves to the fridge."

Several hours and bags of chips later a tall man with grey-streaked black hair and ocean blue eyes was leaning against the wall behind Magnus.

The figure stood up and began to speak," Tess? Magnus? Why the hell am I here. I'll have you know that I was just about to win for the sixth round in a row in a game of poker."

Tessa laughed and so did the man," I missed you, Tess." He said.

"Will.." Tessa breathed out. She smiling with a great fondness in her eyes, she obviously hadn't loved anyone after he died.

He opened his mouth to speak and then seeing me and the others behind her he closed it. His brow furrowed and then he opened his mouth again, but he wasn't speaking to Tessa anymore," Cecy?" He ran toward Izzy and looked her straight in the eyes," What ever happened to your eyes? They seem to have turned brown."

He  had British accent, heavier than Brother Zachariah's had been wen he had been freed from the Brotherhood.

Izzy looked surprised," I am not Cecy, I am Issabelle Lightwood."

He stood back up, "Does  that mean that the other one with the blue eyes and black hair is another Lightworm and not a tall version of my ten year old self." He sounded disappointed. Tessa rolled her eyes and he smiled. He was like an older version of Jace.

"That would be Alexander Lightwood, "Magnus said mater a faclty, " My boyfriend."

"Ah," Will said," I remember a much less glittery Magnus Bane saying that all Lightwoods look the same, have you changed your mind then?"

Alec shot a look towards Magnus and then at Will," So this is William Herondale. "

Will winked," The one and only."

Clary laughed," You might be the only one with black hair, blue eyes, and the name William, but trust me when I say that there is another one of you."

"That might be true but, I bet that he isn't as remarkably handsome as me." He said.

"You're right. He's not as handsome as you, he's even more handsome than you," Jace said jumping swiftly to his feet.

Will pointed at Jace and turned his face toward Tessa," I forgot about that one."

Will and Jace gave each other the signature Herondale grin and became engaged in an intense staring contest. Magnus stepped between them and said," Tessa, I think that now would be the best time for you to make your announcement."

She stepped toward Will and he turned to face her," Will, I need to tell you some thing that is very important. I need you to listen to my every word before you do anything else."

He nodded. She continued, and as if ripping off a stubborn bandage she said it," I have Demon Pox."

His eyes opened wide and he just blinked at her for a moment, and then nodded. It was only a few seconds he had leaped into action.  He examined her arms, legs  and back. He finally stepped back and looked at her," You really are a terrible liar."

She smiled and then he spoke," I assume that it was Magnus's idea for you to tell me that. I'm not surprised. I love you, Tess, you still have that perfectly twisted sense of humor."

He smiled and then they were kissing. She pulled away and whispered," I'm glad you're not mad at me."

He whispered back to her," I couldn't be mad at you for very long, even if you did have Demon Pox. I love you. I told you I always would and I think that this proves it. I just have one thing to ask you, Can I at least sing the song?"

She laughed and laughed and finally said," I love you, Will."

Magnus gave a fake cough," This is not a locked bedroom you two."

"It may have been at one time, "Will said.

"Maybe, but not currently. Thank you, Will, for dropping in. It was nice seeing you again, now I have a game of truth or Dare to return to, so if you could decide now if you are planning on playing or not that would be geat."

Will looked from Tessa, to Magnus, then to me and the rest of us, back to Magnus and then back to Tessa. He stayed like that, looking at Tessa. He smiled," I would love to play."
 Tessa smiled and even Magnus smiled, he obviously had hoped that he would stay and play.

Will and Tessa sat down and then he spoke," Is it my turn then?"

Gotta love will and his Demon Pox......HAHA. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you want the story to continue and would like to see Will join in o the fun then vote or comment. 5 votes to continue the story. I know that I say it a lot but, thank you so much!! With love,JuliaGem. xxxx

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