Sibling Feud: Part 2

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 This dare was requested by Maze_Runner_The_100. yamyxox I hope this will satisfy the crying and comforting for Malec along with the you're mine scene. Thank you so much for requesting.

Magnus POV.

Alec looked smug after his last victory with Isabelle, meanwhile Isabelle looked uncomfortable in her brother's clothes. They were way too big for her and definitely not her color, not to mention not her style. I was kind of sad about the dress too to be honest. Isabelle had great fashion sense.

"Alec," Isabelle's voice cut through my thoughts, "Truth. Or. Dare." She punctuated each syllable harshly.

Alec looked surprised. I guess he hadn't been expecting her to fight back.

"Dare?" He sounded uncertain. 

"I dare you to watch Magnus and Jace go out in public and pretend to be a couple, " She said, "I suppose this dare is also for Clary since she's dating Jace. I hope neither of you get too.....jealous?" She winked at Alec.

"Why are you-" Alec sounded upset but Jace cut him off before he could finish his tirade. 

"Okay, " Jace rose to his feet, making Isabelle look small, "We'll do it."

I got up too, " Of course."

"Where should we go for our first, and may I add only, date?" Jace bowed slightly, taking my hand. His act was already on.

I tried to look as flirtatious as possible even though my heart wasn't in it, "I know a great coffee shop, it's just a block down from here."

Alec made a pained noise and my heart broke a little bit.

Alec POV.

Jace and Magnus walked hand in hand down the street, looking into each other's eyes and whispering and then of course I would hear Magnus laugh or Jace would smile. It was really hard to watch them, I wanted nothing more than to look away or step between them and stop them but I had to complete Isabelle's dare. Clary didn't seem as upset as I did, probably because she knew Jace would never fall for Magnus. 

"Ah, we have arrived," Magnus swept the shop's front door open with one of his long arms. He held it open for Jace then stepped inside after him. The door fell shut behind him, leaving the rest of us staring through the glass.

I pulled the door open again. "He could have held the door open a little longer," I muttered under my breath.

"I'll get our coffees," Jace pulled Magnus's chair out for him then went to talk to the girl behind the counter, "Two lattes, one for me and one for my man." He pointed over at Magnus and Magnus waved slightly. The girl smiled faintly then nodded and went to work on their order.I wanted to scream that they weren't a cute couple and wipe the smile off of the girl's face but I settled for opening and closing my hands into fists instead. Clary looked amused.

"This is kind of funny," She said. Her green eyes were sparkling with a hint of mischief.

I grunted disapprovingly.

"Babe," Jace's voice carried across the coffee shop. The word bounced around inside of my mind for longer than it should have.

Magnus looked up at the sound of the pet name and smiled at Jace, "Thank you so much, Darling."

Jace's eyes lit up with a lazy smile and he leaned closer to Magnus, he closed his eyes and--

"Stop!" My voice sounded broken in my ears, too many emotions were thrown into that one word too understand any of them fully, "Just stop," I walked towards the two of them quickly. My cheeks felt wet and my eyes were burning. Great, I'm crying. Way to be the man of Magnus's dreams, Alec. I reached where they were sitting in three simple strides.

Jace and Magnus were looking up at me with blank eyes, four crying, furious Alecs were reflected back at me in them. Jace spoke first.

"Alec..." He trailed off, looking away from me and into his untouched latte.

Magnus jumped up from where he was sitting and put his hand on my cheek, his thumb absently wiped away a tear, "Alexander."

I cried harder, I couldn't help it. He reached out and pulled me against him, his arms wrapping tight around me. "Alexander," He said again. His voice sounded as broken as mine, filled with feeling. I sobbed harder into his chest and he held me there, his fingers combing through my hair. 

I stepped back from him and wiped at my eyes. 

"Oh, Alexander," Magnus was looking at me, pain in his cat eyes,  "Why are you crying?"

I looked down at the ground, "I got too jealous. I couldn't take seeing you with Jace. I love you and I can't lose you, Magnus." My words tumbled out of me.

Magnus closed his eyes," Of course you won't lose me. I love you too. I need you too. Alexander, you have me, all of me."

I cupped his face in my hands, relief washing over me at his honest words. I kissed him. "Mine," I whispered.

I'm a Malec Hoe. If you have a request please write it in the comments below or send me a message.

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