Chapter Three: Death Of That Drunken Whore Part 1

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                                                                                         Y/N's POV

I gently and slowly had woken up and had found myself laying on the sofa alone, and without  realizing  that i had woken up late, it was almost 12 in the afternoon, i could hear mr cicero's voice and jeromes, they both sounded like they were talking to each other, it sounded muffled since they were outside, a couple minutes later i could hear someone walk inside and turned on the water from the tap, whistling that then turned into humming, i crept up behind jerome and he didn't notice me but i scared the living fuck out of him once i placed my hand onto his shoulder, "AHHHHH, DOLL?!?! Your... awake..." i noticed that jerome was covered in fresh blood, and the hatchet he was holding was covered in blood as well as a knife, i looked at him from head to toe "Jerome what the hell is this?" i asked still half asleep but also shocked i don't think he'd actually do it... "uh....." he looked at me in shock then rolled his eyes and placed his arms down to his sides "Ugh, ok fine you got me, you weren't personally meant to see this gorgeous" he said putting his hands up dropping the weapons in the sink, i crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow and he sighed grabbing a hold of my waist "Jerome you need to get cleaned up to start off with, and no i'm not telling my father that has adopted me because he's a cop" Jerome let out a sigh of relief "thank you doll, you have no idea how Liberating it is to finally set yourself free from your mind, and just let it take full control of your body afterwards, well you know" he then shrugged and then had shown a rather sadistic grin stretching across his lips "Jerome!-'' he then held onto me tighter "please jerome don't kill me!" i demanded trying to pull away from him, but it wasn't anything compared to his grip he then tilted his head and then he placed his hand covering my mouth "i'm not going to kill ya baby, your helping me" my heart was pounding in fear i could feel myself start to shake, he was a murderer, Jerome had killed his Mother i didn't expect him to do it i thought he was just expressing his anger in some way, then Jerome's smile turned to a frown "I'm sorry doll.. I-" he sighed and took his hand off of my moth then back to m waist "I- uh-" i then interupted him.

"Yes i am, i'm helping not get your ass beat by Jim gordon, the greatest detective that the GCPD has" i argued "but we can leave before he does find out" he then lets go of my waist and dragged his left hand up to my chin, "If you get your ass beat by jimbo, i'm gonna hurt him" jerome voice then darkens. I then grab the back of his head with my left hand, "babe i'm gonna help you so we don't need to leave and we wanted to stay in gotham for a bit" he then thought to himself and rolled his eyes "ok... fine we stay here-" i interrupted him and said "we could take falcones place and become King and Queen of Gotham..." whispering into his ear which gave him a tingly feeling and made the grin on his face wider and he spoke softly "I have no idea who the hell that is, but I do like that doll, your singing  my song baby girl" we both smiled at each other and i signalled Jerome to let go of me "Now get all cleaned up and sort out the hatchet, i'll help clean up, AND DO IT AFTER YOU CHANGE" i raised my voice as i noticed after he let go me and he tried to leave the trailer still with the fresh blood on his clothes "oh! Right, gotcha doll" he then skipped into the other room after kissing me on the cheek and i started washing the bloody knife and his pair of shoes, jerome left his room chucking the bloody clothes on the bench besides me "sorry doll" he says spinning around once he leave the trailer with cicero to hide the hatchet, meanwhile once i was done cleaning the knife i went on with cleaning his clothes i smiled when he apologized i was completely fine i was doing this for him i would hate to have him in prison.

**Moments later**

I started to get worried as jerome wasn't back with mr cicero yet and it was getting dark, but i may have spoken soon because he just barged through the door "never mind your back" i crossed my arms as he ran up to me raising an eyebrow giving him a smirk. "Haya Gorgeous" he said as he came over to you giving you a kiss on the cheek making a grin appear on his face "we did it, the Hatchet is gone" i narrowed my eyes "and now is it somewhere were somebody can find it?" I wondered if Jerome actually hid it well. Jerome then shrugs "Throwing it off a bridge should be good enough" I facepalmed and then all of a sudden a knock came from outside of Jeromes Trailer causing us both to look ,the pair of us hearing the words "GCPD open up!" oh shit i thought to myself Jerome and i We looked each other in the eye and nodded as if we knew we had no choice opening the trailer, i had stayed in the kitchen starting to pack some stuff away and then washed the rest of the clothes to begin with, then i'd put the knives away afterwards.

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