Chapter Nine: Cogs

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                                                                                    Bruce's POV

I was down in the secret area that was hidden behind the fireplace and ofc course Alfred is a bit picky about it "I understand you were just trying to protect me. But there's nothing... nothing that you can do to stop me from carrying out my father's work" I explained I wanted Alfred to understand that this whole thing could help me what he was up to,  Alfred always stood up straight respectfully whenever he was around people and also a very loyal man  "know that now" alfred said

"I don't want you to go, Alfred" I stepped forward walking up closer to him  "But you're either with me or you're against me. And if you're against me, I don't have a choice" alfred did have a point and I didn't want him to leave I wanted him to help me and I may need to admit it "I'm with you, Master Bruce" Alfred's voices sounded more serious with a mixture of concern  "I've always been with you. But what you're doing is tantamount to suicide. This is big boy stuff" really am I not seen as a bigger boy.. a man I have a company that I take care of and make decisions for that "You're too young; you're not ready" alfred finished, I had this rush of excitement a pull tell me begging me to know more on what my father was really planning, I needed to know, alfred can train me "Then make me ready" I demanded stepping forward I stood up straight I needed this to face whatever was to come in my way "You-You've lived a dangerous life, and you survived. So teach me. Teach me how to do the same. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll train every day" I tried to sound a bit persuasive when I spoke but yea of course alfred needing something to make him tag a long further if he wanted to help out I suppose,

"Yeah, well, you said that before, didn't you?" He asked  "That was before. Now I know the truth. And I know what I have to do"  then it hit me I had a good idea even though I wouldn't like it to much myself "I'll even go back to school if you want" I know I didn't go to school for a reason but you know if do whatever it takes "School, even?" Alfred looked at me all confused "if I agree to help you, to make you ready, you must do exactly as I say and when I say it with no exceptions, is that understood?" He asked, I nodded at his response, "Understood. But, in return, you must fix that computer" I added alfred raised an eyebrow folding his head slightly "Fix it? How on earth am I gonna do that?" He questioned well it's deserved he broke it he has to figure it out and quite literally basically said that in my own words "That's not my problem. I'm not the one who broke it" I then walked off, walking up the secret bunker through the fireplace...

                                                                                         Y/N'S POV

I finally made it to Wayne manor, I just rang the doorbell and waited for a response. After a few minutes I heard someone unlocking the door, the door opened and indeed it was bruce wayne a smile spread across my face, not an insane look but just a nice smile a lovely smile so innocent "Oh hi Bruce!" bruce greeted me allowing me to walk inside "i usually see alfred answer the door" bruce offered to take my coat that i was wearing and hung it up on a hook, "well it's wonderful to see you again miss Gordon" he gave me a lovely smile, "and I also have a room already set up for you" I followed Bruce upstairs, there were some spare rooms down the hallway considering that bruce lived in wayne manor, basically a palace  he had extra rooms in the place that were virtually empty knowone had even lay a finger on them "Yea it can be lonely but i still have alfreds company so it isn't to bad" he spoke as he opened a door for me "and this is it, it isn't much but you can sleep here for the night" he added, i smiled at bruce "It looks nice" i spoke as i walked into the room, i also notice there was a tv in the room on the drawer's "hmm." i dropped my bag and well yea i forgot my suitcase but you know Alfred helped bring it up, "forgot something miss gordon?" he asked "oh! Right! Thank you Alfred "I walked over to Alfred and took it from him and wheeled it into my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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