Chapter Six: Rise Of The Villain's Part 2

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                                                                                              Jim's POV

I noticed commissioner Essin was looking at me looking a little worried and concerned "Jim..." she spoke softly, i looked at her with a serious face "What's wrong?" I asked as she took a deep breath and hesitantly spoke, "There's been an incident, At Arkham Asylum" she explained, Lee right beside me now holding onto my arm and the two of us were focused on what Essin was saying "Six inmates have escaped. Barbra Kean is one of them.." she said "Oh My God.." Lee responded with a shocked look on her face looking at me then looked back at me and back at Essin "Wait, whoa whoa hold up, What about Y/N, Jerome's Free" Lee added Essin then sighs "An officer did go missing as well as the inmates, some members at the asylum described her to have black hair, and amethyst Purple eyes and smudged fake tan, i had fear and worry run through my body, knowing the description had perfectly matched Y/N's appearance "Y/N.. But, but how she was meant to be at school today" I explained a little confused "People have said it did not look like it was a qualified officer, so would have most likely been her" Essin explained to me "I knew something was off about the officer earlier..." I said as I looked down at my feet knowing that she may have been kidnapped as well as taken with the criminals from Arkham. I'll surely be having a serious talk with her once I find her and bring her home once again I thought to myself...

                                                                                         Y/N's POV

I slowly woke up finding myself on a comfy bed, the room was well decorated, it felt so strange to be in an Asylum then find yourself in a bedroom unless this was a dream? "Hey" a voice called out "Get up" i looked up noticing a woman dressed in leather. I sat up on the bed "Get up!" She demanded once again, i stood up and walked my way out of the room and she then walked in front of me "Follow me" she said i followed the woman walking past some empty rooms down the hallway followed by some stairs along the way that i had followed her down the stairs...

                                                                                       Jerome's POV

I slowly woke up and looked around me, noticing that me and the other inmates were strapped to a board, "What is this place?" Greenwood said looking all confused, i noticed that Y/N wasn't seen and last time i remember her is when i helped her lay down on me so she wouldn't fall then it went pitch black "Is not Arkham anyhow..." I say as I turn to face Greenwood, "Things are looking up!" i said added with a grin, a mysterious man walks around the corner saying "Welcome everyone" he greeted us "I am Theo Galavan and this is my sister tabatha" he says as he stands in position facing us and she walks in from behind him, another woman walked up behind her, IT WAS Y/N, OH MY GOD I KNEW I WOULDN'T LET GO OF HER THAT EASILY, Theo continued speaking "And we have a guest of honor, please welcome Y/N guys she looks..." he squinted his eyes looking at Y/N and looked back at the lunatics "Nervous.." he added she looked at him with a confused look "Nervous?" she approaches him and stands in front of him "I'm not nervous, and... I believe you have a friend of mine" she spoke so confidently "That's me Mr Galavan sir" i said out loud to Theo "and Doll, oh wow your ass is begging me to squeeze it you look sexy.." I said, I just couldn't help myself with the compliment.

She is so hot She turns around "Jerome..." she gave me a smirk and rolled her eyes "You and me later gorgeous.. And we can uh.. Yk '' i looked down for a couple seconds then looked up at her biting my lips ''not now Jerome.." she said rolling her eyes and couldn't help smiling, i sighed "Ugh.. Fine", Greenwood was licking his lips to the sight of Tabatha and my Doll "Hey Greenwood, don't look at my doll like that, you pig!!" i demanded as my eyes darkened "Oh my god, look at that, yeah i got get get my hands on that" he says and everyone else starts rambling on in the background Theo then signals everyone to quiet down "I understand" everyone now stops speaking "You're feeling confused, scared... a little groggy.. But please relax, today is the first day of a wonderful future for all of you, if you want it" Theo spoke calmly as always the entire time when he spoke, "who are you?" one of the inmates called out asking, Theo looked behind him and stood in front of me "Well now, the question is who are you?" he spoke calmly "the world sees criminal lunatics, I see brilliance" he said as he slowly walked down past me "I see charisma. And power, i see power" I nodded to every word he had said to all of us "Yes. exactly my man, oh that is so spooky, that is me to a T" i smiled giving him a grin "These other bozos, oh, i don't know.... But you're singing my song.." I noticed Y/N chuckling at my response. She always found me a bit goofy or she never took me seriously at times, but I enjoyed seeing her smile.

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