Chapter Eight: A One Off You Said??

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                                                                                   Jerome's Pov

I angrily opened the door and stomped my way out of the room, like a child who's been punished with his things taken off him, i noticed as i was well complaining about what just happened between my doll and i, I hadn't meant to hurt her i wasn't attending to do so I felt she was upset with me or someone was upsetting her... Theo that peace of shit he's a little strange but oh boy he believes in me so i can't entirely hate on the man but he is certainly strange indeed. then i drew my attention to a knights Armor set up in the hallway, i slicked my hair back, my face shifts to darkness i huffed "What are you looking at..." I made my way up to the Armor that is set up "Yea keep looking at me like that...." I clenched my fists "arghh!" I punched the helmet, causing for it to fall apart and stumble onto the floor in peace's and another thing that had drew my attention to A chuckle creeping down the hallway "wow you think galavans going to appreciate that?" It sounded just like greenwood "help us move the table out of the way you ginger freak" more chuckle trail down the stairs, oh your so done greenwood I bolted my ass down stairs then suddenly I wasn't mad anymore I had found a katana, i completely ignored greenwood asking me to help move the table i made my way over speed walking and stood were the blade was "Oooooo shiny!" i picked up the katana but the blade was protected of course and i flicked it out of the little slot it was in then greenwood that fat pig got his hands on it, greenwood laughs in amazement he too seems interested Aswell, for god fucking sake!! little did he know i am getting slightly annoyed, "Give that back" i spoke softly grinning at the bitch, gesturing my hands out wanting greenwood to hand it back over "i saw it first" greenwood says as he is starting play around with the katana pretending to stab something, this man was really getting on my nerves "No, you didn't. i said give it back" i hissed, Greenwood was now gliding the sword in front of me grinning, look at him that grin aint good "Make me little brat" greenwood said chuckling a little, this now got the rest of the inmates attention especially domkins "Ooh. Ooh" domains chuckles, the gun he was hold now aiming at his throat, I put my hands together ya know like I was "Your samurai skills are excellent Greenwood San, but they are nothing compared to me" I said picking up the chainsaw besides me, pulling the cable on it the chainsaw to buzz I then lunges towards Greenwood "Prepare to die!" "Rum, rum, rum!" Greenwood was impersonating the chainsaw, how ridiculous the pair of us clash our weapons together Jerome vs big fat pig caniboy!, who will win?!?!?

Theo then makes his entrance in the room "That's enough! That's good" he said making his way to both greenwood and I "I tried to stop them" domains adds as he's still huddled into a ball on the floor "Boys, we're a team" Theo spoke calmly as he made his way in front of greenwood and I, Theo was disappointed in the pair of us "We don't fight amongst ourselves" he said and of course domkins just agreed with everything that was said "Yeah, we're a team, boy" he said grinning at all of us then greenwood had interrupted "And I'm the captain" i turned my head facing greenwood "Captain of my foot" i hissed, greenwood thought he was just always thought of himself better than I am "I've murdered a dozen women" he placed the katana on his shoulder feeling proud of what he's going to mention I could see it in his steamy greasy eyes "Terrorized the city. What have you done? Chop up your mommy?" I rolled my eyes at the comments "Everybody has to start somewhere. See, I have vision and ambition and brains" I was really starring facts if you wanna be a worldwide famous celebrity you have to get off your ass you can't sit there and let everyone else do the work for ya just needed extra support "You're just a nutty old cannibal" I stretched my arms slightly out "How many people can you eat before that shtick gets old?" I had placed my arms back down to my side, greenwood was looking at me in the eyes alright he knew whatever the hell he wanted to tell me he had to say it fast before I squeeze his brains out "I could eat one more... you know one Specifically Y/N.." he spoke under his breath grinning at me causing me to get even more furious, theo then stepped in on the situation "I can see we're gonna have to resolve this one once and for all" he reached into his pocket I watched as he picked out a gun "You all know this game," Theo says removing all the bullets except one and clicks the gun "right?"a grin appear on my face I looked back up at greenwood "Oh, love it."
"Who wants to be the boss?" Galavan asked and the only response only came from myself of course "Ladies first" greenwood then takes the gun out of Theo's hand and then holds it to his head smirking at me how ugly the smile was I can tell ya that for sure the gun clicks, no bullet oh god Damn it, oh well my turn to show who's really boss, greenwoods smiles still chuckling handing the gun over to me, I made the gun click ready for the trigger to be pulled and held in to my head "Hey, Greenwood, what's the secret to good comedy?" gun clicks again "Timing" I moved the gun again making it click again and placed it to my cheek "And what's courage?" gun clicks once more Grace under pressure. And...." I took the gun from that place and put it on my chin "who's the boss?" I clicked the gun then pulled the trigger the last time leaving greenwood for sure feeling defeated knowing... "I'm the boss.." I said pulling the gun away chuckling a little, then I hand the gun to Theo with him taking it out of my hand "I believe you are, Jerome" Theo then took the katana out of greenwoods hand and now handing it over to me "I believe you are"I got so excited and so happy I loved it once I knew I one an argument it was like an accomplishment a sigh of relief "Arigato, sensei" I did prey hands then took the katana out of galavans hands holding the katana in my hand holding it high feeling proud of myself "Whoo! Hee!" Then I spun myself around bringing the award with me out of this room, oh thank god I have the shiny I had first, I skipped along and started swinging it around practicing some tricks I had in mind, what a beauty...

His Mistress Of Madness {Jerome X Reader And Jeremiah X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now