Chapter Seven: Now That's A Headline

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Jim's POV

I started walking back and forth. I was terrified by the fact that Y/N had gone missing, did I push her?, by telling her she couldn't see Jerome? No you're just doing your job, unless you pushed her a little?

Lee walked up to me placing her hands on my shoulders "Jim try to relax yourself a bit I know you want to find her but you're overthinking, and it isn't helping either" I looked up at her I was just so disappointed with it but I didn't want to leave it for me to find her later, I needed to find her as soon as possible,

"lee what's not helping she could have been kidnapped by the same people who bailed those inmates out of Arkham" I sighed and took a deep breath "especially with them being either Jerome and Barbra, It just scare's me lee.." and I just Leaned back on the bench and lee had just given me a hug after that "Lets go to bed and sleep, then we'll find her tomorrow ok jim?" she said pulling out of the hug,

i didn't feel too confident about the idea but i suppose Jerome actually hasn't or wouldn't hurt Y/N, i remember how much she did mention he never actually hurt her once ever which i found kinda off about him or maybe it was and act, lee had taken my hand and we both walked over to her bed "I will try not to overthink too much lee, just for you and Y/N..." i said as i pressed a kiss on her forehead "well done jim" she said smileing at me and we both just hopped in bed, under the covers falling fast asleep...



Hours before the crazies, you know the people who got busted out of arkham we all had finished cleaning the room up and we all just went straight to bed afterwards, Jerome did seem pretty disappointed by the fact i told him to sleep in his own room for the night but he sucked it up and obeyed my orders, i felt kind of bad since we haven't seen each other in a very long time and its almost like i can't make time for him or your feeling off about him showing his true colours.

he did kill his mother after all, was he going to kill me next? I got that paranoid thought he was going to get bored of me or is he already bored, i feel I'm being too bossy or annoying. Maybe I should talk about it to him some time to help myself and him, because I'm probably worrying him as well. Anyhow i hopped out of bed because i struggled to sleep it's like this every single time i sleep over at someone else's place so i decided to leave my room and stretched my arms out as i yawned, i left my room and noticed that jerome's door was slightly open, i almost shat myself as i saw his eyes were open.

but i just realized he was  just sleeping with his eyes open, i smiled as i rolled my eyes and slowly opened the door and leaned over to give him a kiss on the forehead and also used my fingers to close his eyes because i almost pissed myself no doubt. I crept out of his room, closeing his door behind me and tip toed down the hallway down the stairs and i could hear Theo Galavan's voice, who was he talking to i thought to myself i knew it was a very familiar voice indeed, i peaked as i was slightly  peeking through the steps and noticed tabatha and Theo talking to a man with a box that was black over his head,

I could hardly hear what they were saying it was all mostly muffled, i was very curious so i decided to creep down the stairs further and i started to hear Theo more clearer, and the man's voice sounded very familiar, "Mayor James..?"I spoke quietly still not trying to be caught i could finally hear him threatening to place a big hairy spider in the box over his head or make a phone call? "Choice B, please. Please, choice B" the mayor had demanded his voice was shaking in fear, Theo then nodded and was pleased with the response, always getting what he wanted from everyone whether it was threats they always worked, and was a very good manipulator. I crawled closer trying to hide in the shadows, still observing but much closer "The telephone. Of course" he said, speaking softly it had sent a chill down your spine, whenever theo spoke calmly and still did horrible things, and it almost seemed so fake he was from the beginning.

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