Chapter Five: Rise Of The Villain's Part 1

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                                                                                        Y/N's POV

(2 Months Later)

It had been two months since last i've seen Jerome, Jim and Lee of course, for my safety refused to let me step foot out of the apartment unless i was with a cop or Bruce wayne's butler or Bruce wayne himself, like what the fuck why was I being treated like a child after being around jerome like i understand he killed his mother but like, i sigh at the thought, he's a psychopath and i know i suspected something was wrong with him but i never actually said it to his face and said, 'hey your not mentally ok', like instead i be supportive because thats what we do support each other you know? Help him improve, but then his mother was never helpful with the process.

Anyhow since jim also had some sort of relationship with Alfred and Bruce Wayne,every now and then i would get dropped off at wayne manor to go see both Alfred and Bruce, sometimes Bruce would always talk about a friend of his named selina Kyle the girl that also is known as Cat and even she'd sometimes visit us as well and steal some valuables, since i am an alternative person she find the jewellery i wear quite interesting and likes to steal some of it but i'd manage finding another trinket for my collection myself to replace that item. Meanwhile I was sitting by the fireplace with Bruce Wayne waiting for myself to get Picked up by either Jim Gorndon or Lee Tompkins "So Bruce you're into detective work too?" i asked "Well this is just to see who killed my parents" he replied "But i would love to make a change in gotham" he said "Well that's good, you can, you're a wayne" i said, he smiled "and sometimes the richest are the targets he explained" i nodded at his response "Yes and sometimes that is true" i added then alfred now walking into the room "Uh Miss Gordon, Jim Gordon is here now your father" he nods as he smiles, i smiled back "He's not my father. But yes he is he adopted me but i don't give him that label" Alfred then looked a little confused "well yea, Of course miss Gordon" he nodded placing his hands behind his back "Well, fair enough then, ma'am, Bruce would you like to Give her our goodbyes she's going now" Alfred followed me to the front door were Jim decided to wait this time.

 "She's not a bloody rat like selina haven't you notice that aye" alfred muttering under his breath "I prefer Selina, Y/N is more like family since she is Jim Gordon's daughter" Bruce said "well i suppose That's fair" Alfred replied "And alfred you should write that down somewere" i responded i smiled and then and then walked through the front door standing next to bruce "Goodbye bruce cya another time" and smiled at him "Goodbye Y/N" he said i looked up at Jim and watched bruce shake hands with Jim, i decided to walk over to the car and sit there and wait there instead, i looked up seeing that Jim got caught talking to alfred as the per usual, I had found some files on the seat with Jerome's name on it that had caught my eyes. as i was just about to grab them i could see that Jim was already at the car, 'How did he move so fast?' i thought to myself, Jim grabs the file's, my eyes had widened and i was also smiling at him awkwardly too "That's not for you to snoop through Y/N" he said closing the door and the placing the files in the back seat then putting his seatbelt on "But its jerome" i said as he started the car beginning to drive off "Yes and i'm aware you already know what he has done" he spoke "Ugh fine" jim looking down at me with a disappointed look on his face "Don't Ugh me, just because i'm not your real father and i just only adopted you doesn't mean you treat me with disrespect, this is my work stuff and it has nothing to your concern's" i sighed at his words "Yea... i suppose... i'm sorry Jim" i said "anyway you should hop in bed once we come home, you and the girl's cheerleading soon, is that in like 1-2 days?" he asked "Yea.." i replied, "i believe so".

on the way back home to the apartment Jim would wail on about how Barbra got taken to arkham too, its something he couldn't ever imagine happening, but me on the other hand i had suspicions, Jim turned to me in the car "What do you mean Lila, Jerome's mother used to teach you to be a snake dancer?" He asked, I looked up at him. "Well yea, she did always want a daughter, I did mention that before" "yea i remember that, was there more to it?" he asked "Well it all started when I was just 13 turning 14, it was my birthday around at the time. But then i felt she started use or exploiting me a lil.. but it was still fun i suppose"

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