Jealousy Headcanons (pt 1?)

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≈Normally doesn't notice that kind of thing because she trusts you

(But when it's more obvious...)



≈Fake smiles

≈Holds your hand in front of them and starts nervously doing PDA

≈Tries to make it as obvious as possible

≈If the person flirting with you is somehow immune to pissed-off Charlie, she immediately just pulls you away with a weak excuse


≈Gets jealous a little more easily

≈Curses in Spanish under her breath

≈She holds his spear in a way that says "oh wow! Look! I have a fucking weapon that I can stab people with! Best not mess with me!"

≈If it gets out of hand she straight up flips them off and drags you away


≈Gets jealous very very easily

≈Immediately runs up to hook his arm around yours

≈Kisses you a million times in front of them to make it as obvious as possible

≈Nervous fiddling with his suit so he looks as presentable as he can for you (just in case you want to leave him...he's not totally sure yet)

≈Electricity shocks if it gets out of hand

≈If it was really bad, afterwards he digs up dirt on the person and posts it online (but he'll take it off if you beg him to)


≈Shows all of his fangs

≈Taps on his cane

≈His eyes turn into dials

≈Eye-twitching (he makes that face that he made when Lucifer came in the hotel)

≈Hooks his arm around yours

≈Calls himself the radio demon rather than Alastor

≈If it gets out of hand he will not hesitate to strangle them with his black tentacles

"Well then! They were most certainly very interesting, weren't they darling? Come on!"



≈Grips his staff nervously

≈Insults/sasses them

≈If it gets out of hand he throws a duck at them, grabs your hand and runs 🏃‍♂️💨

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