🍾Broken Bonds, Barroom Confessions (Angel) Pt. 2🕷️

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Pairing: Angel & fem!Reader (ft. Husk)

Summary: (Part 2 to "Broken Bonds, Barroom Confessions" read for better understanding!) 

Warnings: Drinking, mentions of death and suicide, smoking, swear words, angst. *phew*

POV: 2nd person


"On me," Husk said with a smile, slapping down his own money.

You raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" You asked.

"'Course, anything for a kid of Angel's..." He grinned.

You thought that was a pretty lame excuse but hey! You couldn't complain. It's free, after all.

"Follow me," he said, waving you out of the bar.


Husk takes you to a shabby-looking building, a huge sign above it reading, "The Hazbin Hotel"

"This is where he's been staying?" You ask Husk.

He sighed, looking up at the place. "Yeah...it's pretty sad if you think about it. This place was meant to redeem sinners and send them up to Heaven. I don't know why Angel's staying here, since he hasn't bothered to make any progress, but he's been living rent-free in this hotel for months now."

"Damn, that's quite a steal," you said.

Husk laughed. "Definitely. I've tried asking Angel why he wants to be redeemed, but it didn't seem like something he wanted to share. But hey!" He nudged me. "He might tell you."

You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. "I...don't think he really wants to see me," you said glumly. "After the way that...I yelled at him...yelled at him, Husk! I was so bitchy towards him even I wouldn't forgive myself." You shyly looked down at your feet, avoiding eye contact with the bartender.

Husk smiled and lifted your head up. "Y/N. He wants to see you."

You were scared, but bravely smiled and walked up to the front of the Hazbin Hotel. Husk opened the door for you, motioning you to go in.

"You got this," he muttered.

You turned around. "Y-you're not coming??"

"Nope," he grinned and pushed you in, slamming the door behind him.

"WHAT?!" You ran up to the doors, trying your best to pry it open. "Oh you son of a bitch!" You cursed.

You turned around to see the huge hotel before you. A wide staircase leading upstairs with velvet cushioning and furniture all throughout the lobby. You saw a bar in the corner, contrasting to the rest of the hotel, it stood out.

You walk up to get a closer look at it when you hear sobbing coming from the behind the counter. The sobbing was faint, as if the person crying was trying to muffle out their tears in fear of someone hearing.

The person hit their head on the counter and immediately shot up. "Fuck!" He cursed, rubbing his head.


Angel's face softened and he dropped the bottle of rum he was holding. You glanced over at the shattered glass. "S-sorry," he apologized, trying to find a broom.

"I-it's fine..." you said, reaching to pick up the broken bottle. 

Angel turned around. "Don't touch that!" He said, rushing over.

"Huh?" You glanced at up him and it slipped out of your grasp, slashing your hand. "Agh! Fuck!" You yelled, looking down at your cut.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" He said, rushing over to you with a rag. "Oh, wow, that's a big cut..." He said, taking your hand in his as he wiped away the blood.

"Agh-" you hissed at his touch.

"Hold still..." he said, wrapping a rag around the wound. "Better?" He asked.

"Yeah...thanks Dad," you said.

He smiled widely. "U-um...here, take a seat...no not at the bar counter silly, I think we should both separate ourselves from alcohol right now," he said with a smile.

"Yeah, I think we should too," you agreed.

Angel nodded and led you into another room, with red velvet cushioned couches and chairs with a large fireplace in the middle. He sat himself in front of the fire, motioning you to sit next to him.

Sitting down beside him, you finally broke the silence. "So...I met your friend Husk," you said.

Angel smirked, pulling his legs up to his chest. "Yeah? He's pretty cool...I guess..." Angel said bashfully.

You raised an eyebrow. "Oh my god Dad..." you laughed. "You like him!"

Angel's face turned pink. "W-what?! No I don't!!"

"Don't lie, you totally do!" You teased, nudging him.

"T-this isn't about my love life, Y/N..." he said.

"Oh, but it can be!" You smirked. 

Angel playfully rolled his eyes. "Straight to the drama with you kids, isn't it?"

You laughed. "Yep!"

"Fine...we can talk about that later! But now..." he looked up at you. "I just wanted to apologize."

You shook your head. "No Dad, I'm sorry. I still can't believe I treated you like that! I mean...I was just so selfish and I should've been better to you when we were alive...I...I just..." You have trouble thinking straight as tears fell from your eyes.

Angel tilted your chin up and wiped away your tears. "Y/N don't you dare apologize to me, do you hear? You did nothing...you never did. You're just..." he choked up. "You're more than I deserve," he whispered. "You've been gone for so long I thought you went up to Heaven. So I found this place...in hope to be re-united with you," he said, smiling.

Without hesitation, you pulled him into a tight hug, holding him tight. "It's okay Dad...we can have a new beginning here...okay?"

Angel hugged you back. "I promise."

You smiled. "Love you, Dad."

Angel's face lit up. "I love you too, Y/N." He squeezed you tighter. You could tell, he really needed it.

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