👿💙Y/N's Return (Blitzø & Stolas)💙👿

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Requested: @raven121_u

Pairing: Stolas x fem!Reader & yandere(?)Blitzø
(It'll make more sense if you read the summary)

Summary: After returning to her husband from the hospital, an envious Blitzø watches with prying eyes.

(Sorry if I didn't the plot right)

POV: 1st person

Warnings: Some cussing, violence.


"Thanks for staying with us, Y/N. You may feel a little woozy at first, but nonetheless you should be fine. Just take it easy for now, okay?" The receptionist said.

I smiled. "Thanks Helen, I will. Thank you for your help," I said, handing her my credit card to pay.

Helen scanned it and handed it back to me with a smile. "Bye now, Stolas should be eagerly waiting your return, love," she said, waving me off.

I tilted my head. "What makes you say that?"

"The nurses didn't tell you?" She said, looking confused. "Stolas visited you every chance he could when you were in your coma. He seemed really worried for you."

I blushed. "Oh...well, that's rather sweet of him then, isn't it?"

"Yes dear, very sweet...very romantic..." she said in a dry tone, eyeing her tip jar.

Seeing this, I smiled and slipped her a generous tip. Her eyes lit up.

"Come back anytime!" She called as I walked out the door.


Walking home with a skip in my step, I got a notification from Stolas.

"Meet me in this alley" it read. He sent me the address.

I was hesitant. This was a little suspicious...Stolas doesn't usually act this ominous.

I shrugged. Oh well, he could be planning something!

Following the directions to the alleyway, I looked around myself for any sign of my husband.

"Stolas?" I called out. "You there darling?"

Darling...the alley echoed back.

"Hm...is this the right place?" I asked myself, glancing down at my hellphone.

Wait...Stolas doesn't know I'm coming home!

"Oh you most certainly are, Y/N..." I heard a familiar voice hiss.

Where have I heard that voice before?

"Hello?" I yelled out. "Who's there?"

"Aw...did the coma give you short-term memory loss too?" The voice taunted.

"Hiding are you? Face me!" I said, trying my best to sound brave.

The voice let out an cold laugh. "Of course your majesty..."

Before I could question what he meant, someone grasped my shoulder and tased me, sending a wave of electricity course through my body.

"Argh!" I yelled. "Fuck!" I cursed, grasping my shoulder.

I whipped around to see my best friend, Blitzø holding a taser gun.

"Blitzø? What the fuck?!" I scolded, confusion and rage in my eyes.

He grinned, holding out the taser to me and sunk it into my stomach, causing my pain to increase as I collapsed on the floor as let out one last scream for help.

"Y/N?" I heard another voice ask.


-Stolas' POV-

My wife, Y/N had recently gone into a coma and was sent to the hospital for months.

I was on my way to visit her again. I had recently gotten a message that she had finally woken up!

However, on the way over, I saw a rather gruesome scene occur in an alleyway on the way.

A psychotic-looking imp forced a taser gun into a defenseless woman as she screamed in pain.

Her voice sounded too much like...Y/N's!

"Y/N?" I called out.

I rushed over and my worst theory was proven right, an unconscious Y/N was collapsed over...Blitzø?!

"Blitzø, what are you doing??" I yelled.

He looked up from Y/N's body. "Stolas she was getting in the way. I did us a favor." And with that, he let out an eerie laugh before dashing out of the alleyway.


A/N: I'm just going to pause the story right there. Yes, Y/N is still alive and Stolas will most likely heal her. I also didn't want to ruin Stolas and Blitzø's relationship too much. And it's a little gruesome this time because I've been watching too many "Scream" movies...

Sorry to the person who requested this if I got the plot wrong. I tried my best. 😅

Also I already sent out an announcement about this but I'll be releasing my Alastor x fem!Reader book on Friday!!

Stay tuned~

~Queen Roach 🕸

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