🖤 To Cry Again (Husk) Part 1/2 💧

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Requested by: raven121_u

Pairing: Husk x daughter!Reader

Plot: (Part 1) Y/N's mother in the living world had abandoned both her and her father, now leaving Husk with the responsibility of taking care of you, until one day he passed of an overdose, causing Y/N to meet her untimely death soon after...

WARNING: Angst, swears, and drinking



That's all you heard these days...

Your mom, and father, Husk, were at it again. Barking at each other in the kitchen for something stupid that the both of them would surely forget the next day because they'd moved onto the next fight.

You sighed and walked in nonchalantly to grab a glass of water.

"Y/N! Tell your father that I'm right!" your mother yelled.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. Your mother's being a bit of a B-I-T-C-H."


"Well how was I supposed to know you could spell?! I've never seen you read!" your father snapped back.

You looked up groggily at the two of them and rolled your eyes, exiting. "I wish the both of you would shut up..." you called, though neither of your parents seemed to give any mind to you.

Yep...this had been your summer. One fight after another. One tear after the next. One divorce. And now, only one parent.

Your mother left. 

You remembered that day. It was late at night, on January 22, while everyone was asleep. She fled into the cold snow with her things. Not one message. Not one letter. Not even a note.


You didn't want to, but you did. 

You cried. 

And cried and cried and cried--you poured out your entire heart into those tears.




Until there were no tears left.

So there you were now, a fully grown teenager. With all her tears emptied out and faded.

You'd never cry again.


Out of pure sadness and rage, Husk carried on with his life. Now having to carry the workload of paying for your education, making enough money, and above all...making you happy.

He earned a gig as a cheap low-class magician, working as a performer for the town's bar.

As much as he wanted to pursue this short-lived dream, it didn't last long. He was soon left with debts up to his ears and turned to alcohol and drugs in order to cope. Now transforming your once lighthearted and funny father into a dream-crushed addict.

He'd ask you how your day at school was--you'd smile and tell him the same thing everyday; "it was good, I raised my hand twice in trig. How about you?"

Husk would then return your smile and say; "that's great, Y/N! I'm doing good as well."

You'd then bid him a goodbye and excuse yourself to do your homework.

The same dialogue every day, just as if you were reading off of a script.

And you followed this script every day, because beneath all of it; you were lying.

Because you didn't go to school.

Not for the past few months, at least.

~Time Skip~

You grabbed your backpack and walked out the door, saying goodbye to Husk. 

"Bye Dad, I'm heading out!" you said, slamming the door behind you.

It had been three months since he'd passed.

He died of an overdose, now leaving you with no parents, and no one who loved you.

Yet every morning you'd smile at the cracked picture frame of him and say goodbye, as if he was still there.

You exhaled and started walking downtown, hoping not to run into anyone from-

"Y/N?" you heard an all-too-familiar voice laugh.

You squeezed your eyes shut.


You turned your head down and looked away, praying that they wouldn't bother you.

The voice grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, getting close to your face.

You smiled sweetly. "Let. The fuck. Go," you growled.

The girl laughed coldly. "Haven't seen you in a long time..."

"Yeah? Well I consider myself to be above those assholes at school, thanks," you replied bitterly.

"Not including me I hope?"

"Nope, you too."

She rolled her eyes. "Where have you been these past few months hm? Getting wasted in the corner of a tobacco store like your daddy?"

You struck her across the face. "Don't breathe a word of Husk, Yvette."

Yvette gritted her teeth and kicked you to the ground, pinning you with her foot.

"You'll pay for that..."

The last thing you ever saw was her ugly blood stained face as she laughed.

"Fuck you..." you muttered.

You couldn't recall what happened next, but all you remember is a strike to the head as a scream rang in Yvette's ears.


But even that, watching yourself be murdered by your school bully, you still didn't cry.

Because there were no tears left to shed.

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 || One-shots & Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now