✍️💙The Writer & the Reader (Stolas)💙✍️

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Requested by: @raven121_u

Pairing: Stolas x fem!author!Reader

Summary: Y/N became Stolas' second wife, she was always caring and sweet to him, as they were pen-pals when they were younger. However Y/N has been keeping a secret. Then one day Stolas came across something in the trash...

POV: 2nd person


-Stolas' POV-

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT STOLAS?!?!?!" Stella screamed at the top of her lungs.

"That...was the sound...of a FUCKING DIVORCE!!! HAHAHAH!!" I jeered, laughing at Stella's enraged expression.


"Stolas." My father said in a stern voice.

I gulped. "Y-yes father?"

"You must understand that you seriously brought shame to our family name by SLEEPING WITH AN IMP!" He scolded. "Estella's family won't even look at us! There is no way of fixing your little stunt this time...our family is the laughing stock of Hell." He growled.

"Yes father, I'm sorry," I said, hanging my head.

"I don't want to hear apologies, Stolas. Fortunately for your sake...I have found another fine suitor for you."

I looked up. "Already?"

He glared at me. "Yes. Already."

"Well, who is it father?'

"Y/N L/N." He said.

"Y/N...wait I remember her! Yes, we were old pen-pals when we were younger...she was always so mature and had quite the way with words," I said, recalling how excited I used to get when I saw the mailman bring in a new letter from Y/N. "Oh it's been too long. I wonder how she is?" I said dreamily.

"You'll find that out soon enough." My father sighed impatiently, drumming his fingers on the desk.

-Time skip a few months into their marriage (still Stolas' POV)-

"So darling, where did you go?" I asked Y/N.

"What do you mean Stolas?" She asked, not looking up from the sink as she washed the dishes.

"You know what I mean. We used to write to each other all the time when we were younger, but one day you just disappeared. What happened?"

"Oh..." She stopped. "Um...I got terribly busy with work and besides, my parents...took away my...writing privileges over time."

"They took it away? Why's that?"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." She said quickly, turning back to the sink.

"Oh...I'm sorry," I said, now feeling terribly embarrassed.

Y/N saw this and looked up to me. "No...I'm sorry. That was awfully rude of me. Shall we start over darling?" She offered.

I gave a small smile to her. "Yes...I think that'd be nice."


-Y/N's POV-

It had almost happened today. I was washing the dishes when my new husband, Stolas, had asked why I'd disappeared from our letters.

I had explained to him that I was busy with work--which was technically true--and that my parents had taken away my writing privileges--which is also true.

While writing my romance novels, I based the male lead off of Stolas, his kind and witty nature blended perfectly with the way my story flowed.

I was so happy the day that the series was finally published, though I never revealed my true name, as that could give me away. What would Mom and Dad think?

Unfortunately, my parents came across the final chapter of the series when I was out in the palace gardens and destroyed my typewriter, forbidding me from writing anything ever again.

I was heartbroken that day.

However when my parents passed, I picked up writing once more and continued the series, still keeping my name anonymous.


"Stolas darling?" I called out.

"Hm? Yes Y/N?"

"I just received a letter from my sister, she'd like me to come visit her for the week."

"Oh...when will you be leaving then, dear?" He asked.

"Tomorrow morning I'd reckon." I replied.

"Well, if you need help packing I'll be here darling."

"Thank you sweetheart, if I need help I'll call you!" I called back.


-Time skip a few days-

-Stolas' POV-

Y/N had been gone for a couple of days now. It was so boring in the palace without her presence...

I went into my office to do some work for Asmodeus and send out a few letters when I saw a crumpled piece of parchment sitting on the floor.

"Hm...that's odd." I muttered to myself as I picked up the parchment.

I started reading through it when I started to recognize the writing style.
It was Y/N's.

And not only that but it was also written as an original draft for a bestselling dark romance series...the author had been missing for years now.

It all makes sense!

Y/N is the author of the series...and she's been missing from our letters because she's been caught up in writing her novels. Her parents must've found it and cut her off from writing.
But as for her parent's recent death, she must've picked up her series again!

I chuckled to myself.

I can't wait to see her when she comes back...

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 || One-shots & Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now