TW: Dysphoria, S**f harm, S**cidal thoughts and Homophobia. Part 1

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Ok so I decided to make a vent book, hopefully I will feel better after this. But you know I guess this is not the type of thing you read if you can't handle it. I'm also Aroace and a Demiboy.

Anyways I've been feeling really dysphoric lately and my anxiety has been really bad, my (ex) friends started some drama and one of them is a massive manipulator it sucks and I hate it. If anyone knows where I can get chest binders that are fitted that would be appreciated.

I've been feeling really suicidal lately, and been cutting myself. I really hate my body rn and can't even feel comfortable walking in my neighborhood because one of the people who is constantly outside is homophobic and harassing me on my gender and name change. I can't get help from the school and their parent won't even bat an eye at it.

I lost most of my friends because they were fake, why does this always happen to me it's not fair!?!?!

I just hate myself and everyone who has hurt my friends or family.

I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable with this but it feels better getting this off my chest. But please for the chest binder it should be online. Pls I need it.

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