Part 16

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So I'm staying at home today for my mental health, I feel like I'm gonna barf up what little food I had it feels like I over ate. I woke up and was shaking like crazy, I could barely walk it was so bad.

I hate myself sm rn I went downstairs and my dad said I need to just cope with it, it didn't make me feel better it just made me feel worse about myself, like this is my fault that this is happening to me. Is it? Maybe it is, I deserve it.

I can't even vent to my dad or my family doctor about what's going on because they just laugh and say "Oh to be (insert my age) again" that makes me feel even more stupid than I already did. They don't even try to understand how I'm feeling, and I can't just explain it.

My friend and I are both constantly getting harassed, and when we stand up for ourselves we get in trouble. They never listen to our side of the story they just judge, I hate it.

I'm not convinced that my dad is okay with me staying home today for my mental health, but what am I supposed to do? Go to school and have a panic attack and then get sent home? If that is what you want then sure I'll do that.

I mean why should I care about my mental health if you don't care about it?

I forgot to mention something funny I just remembered, okay so I was hanging out with some of my friends (they are both cis males) and one of the people who harass me walked up to me and asked if I was a 'pick me girl' mind you I'm not a girl nor do I want a relationship with anyone (of course in a romantic way) so I was trying not to laugh at how stupid they sounded.

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