Part 11

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I don't know why but I always flinch when someone randomly raises their hand in a way that looks like they might hit me even if they're not even getting close to me, I don't like to think about it because I don't know how to handle it.

Would anybody even care if I died? What if everyone is just acting like they like me? Would anybody even notice if I died? Even if they did why would they care I'm stupid ugly and I don't even get recognized as a boy everyone always says "young lady" or "hey *deadname*" I hate it, even if I correct them they don't care!

I'm losing way too much sleep, and I haven't been eating as much. I always make mistakes and should just die, just jump off a bridge, stab myself in a vital part of my body, overdose on something...idk just die.

It's 11:10pm and I'm not tired and on the verge of a panic attack, most of them are just silent but when they get really bad I just want to die.

I should just die it would be better that way... not like anyone would care.

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