Part 4

23 1 7

Today I almost had a panic attack during gym class because of the noise, I can't handle loud noises at all and today was especially hard because of my glee club going to a choir fest tomorrow, and my concert band going to music nationals on Monday.

I'm losing to much sleep, I haven't been eating that much my friends have been forcing me to eat, but I'm not hungry I know it's not good but I just don't have an appetite.

I'm going to Toronto on Monday for a whole day I hope I don't get super overwhelmed, finding out I'm bigender is better but I do prefer the use of he/him pronouns, I hate my period sm rn.

I've been trying to find comfort items and so far I have a stuffed animal and my headphones, I really need a binder I don't even want to look in the mirror anymore. I've been bottling up my emotions so much lately I can't really feel anything.

I hate myself so much I really feel like ending everything, forever I'm sorry.

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