Part 36

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I just lost somebody who I thought was my best friend...they lied to me and my other friend about almost everything...I only have like...2 friends that I know irl...not like I deserve them...I'm such a shitty person...

That person was trying to guilt trip us into forgiving them, and when that didn't work they just insulted us, my already low self confidence is basically gone again. My parents are getting the fake personality again...they haven't noticed yet...I've been isolating myself my parents haven't tried to get me out of the room...

I'm still trying to figure out what my gender identity is...I'm pretty secure in my sexuality...I hate this confusion with my honestly would have been better if I didn't even exist everyone would be happiest with me gone...I acted like it didn't hurt me that my ex friend was a big liar...I'm just glad that I caught them before they did more damage...

I really want to end everything...I'm sorry...if I go MIA on every social media platform you'll probably know wrists have scars along with my upper chest...I'm so goddam stupid...why do I keep on troubling others with my stupid problems...they probably don't care...why would anyone care about me? I'm just in general a shitty person.


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