Their entrance cause a slight hustle, which leads to a background chattering. No one turns in their direction or stares at them. However, it is obvious that everyone in the cafeteria is now talking about them with the other people at their table. The bravest try catching a glimpse of the six people, but the glances last no more than a few seconds.

The faint sound of forks and knives hitting the plates ceases for a moment. Full attention is directed toward those six guys, who are standing in front of the counter near the pile of dark green trays.

Hannah and I have nicknamed this little group as the "Fantastic 6." They are three boys and three girls tied by their families' prestige and money. Everyone in town knows them. Their families own a fruitful company, about which not much is known. They are wealthy and owners of enormous mansions in the southeast of the city, where they have built an exclusive residential area just for the six of them. 

Benjamin Riva, the boy I was dazed staring at during history, is one of the members of the group. He plays basketball on the school team with Thomas. He is not training right now, as he sprained his ankle during last game. In some occasions mainly at parties, on his way to say hello to Thomas, he chatted with Hannah and me too. From these little interactions, he seemed to be a very nice and easygoing guy. Among the "Fantastic 6" he is one of the few I would consider passable, along with Chris and Ulani.

I don't know them that good, but Chris is the typical guy who jokes around with everyone and he is hilarious. We share a class together, namely art, and during his rare speeches everyone in class bursts out laughing, including the teacher.

I have had only a few conversations with Ulani and she seems very lovely. Thomas has had a crush on her for quite some time now. I completely understand why; she is beautiful. Her curly, often braided hair surrounds her bronzed face with fine features. Her body is any girl's dream: curves defined in all the right places.

The six guys walk casually toward their table at the back of the large dining hall. They pass by, where Hannah and I are seated. My gaze is fixed on the poor little piece of meat, that is now shattered. Once seated, the vibe, that there was prior their entrance, is restored. Students go back talking about topics that do not involve the group, and the noises of forks and knives in the background point out that now no one is pretending to eat anymore.

Hannah and I are halfway through are lunch break, we are chatting when the expression on her face changes dramatically.

"Don't turn around," she says sounding concerned.

She doesn't add anything else, that's why my curiosity wins out over rationality. My head, in contrast with logic, makes a small rotation. My eyes intertwine with Benjamin's, who's flaunting a big charming smile. I jerk back, the expression on my face discloses everything I would like to say. I don't need to say anything, Hannah appears as confused as I am.

The boy with an angelic face is coming toward our table and I am praying every existing God I'm wrong. I really like him, he is good-looking, but interacting with him embarrasses me.

"Hello girls!" A hoarse voice destroys my prayers into a deep dark well. The upper body of my body tries to go against my attempt to turn around, but I have no choice. Benjamin calls my name urging me to look at him.

"Hello Benjamin, what's up?" " I say and my throat has become as dry as the leaves at the bottom of every trees in fall.

"I guess this bracelet is yours." He hands me a silver chain and I instinctively grab it. He gives me a wink and turns around heading back to his table. My mind sails in the midst of tsunami. I can feel strange eyes on me. Everyone, including myself, wonders why Benjamin has come here in the middle of lunch to talk to me.

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