Hannah is sitting on my bed, wearing an electric blue corset and a white mini skirt. She arrived at my house a little while ago already dressed for the party. I'm talking about the party Thomas invited us to and where he will be officially proclaimed: the new team captain.

I look in the mirror, even this outfit doesn't seem the right one me so I change again.

"This top is beautiful, stop being a child and put it on."

Hannah scolds me. She is tired of seeing me change for the fifth time. I can't blame her. So I decide to keep what I'm wearing right now, which is a silver glitter top with the back uncovered and light-colored palazzo jeans. I try convincing myself that it is a suitable outfit for this kind of party. I always get influenced by what people think; so many times I'd rather go unnoticed than end up in the spotlight.

Hannah and I are retouching our makeup when my phone and hers ring in unison. Thomas has just sent a text on our group, where he informs us that he is parked outside my house waiting for us. We finish the final touches and then rush down the stairs. It is around ten o'clock when we say goodbye to my dad and head out of the house. Hannah runs hurriedly to the car while I am closing the front door. I head to the car and notice that my friend is already sitting in the front seat next to Thomas. We argue over who should be in the front like children do. So I walk up to her window and stick my tongue out at her. I grab the handle of the backseat and enter the car. As I greet Thomas my voice breaks at the sight of the person sitting next to me. I am petrified. I am convinced that this boy has now become a stalker. Benjamin gives me a big smile as he greets me and walks over to leave a light kiss on my right cheek.

The drive, from my place to the house where the party will take place, takes only ten minutes. In spite of what I was expecting, there is no awkwardness whatsoever. All four of us talk and joke like real friends.

The party is at the home of one of their teammates, someone called Liam Marn. The house is located slightly outside the town center and is quite isolated. Thomas parks on the opposite side of the street since the entrance is already full of cars parked everywhere. Stepping out of the car, I notice how many people are in the small garden that precedes the entrance. This small area of grass is studded with drunk students. The lawn is covered with glasses, bottles and cans.

We make our way to the walkway that cuts the garden into two equal parts and reaches the front door, which is currently wide open.

On the short walk to the house, an obviously drunk and very pale girl collides with Thomas and then vomits a few inches from us. The others manage to move immediately; I was closer and took an extra second. This second turns out to be fatal, so much so that some of the vomit ends up on my shoes. Disgusted I try to keep calm and continue toward the dwelling. Once inside I grab Hannah's arm.

"I have to look for a bathroom, I have vomit on my shoes."

Hannah has a phobia of vomit, I know she will not go with me to the bathroom.

"My god Soph, that's so gross..." She keeps her eyes fixed in mine and then continues, "I swear I'll wait for you here at this very spot, but I can't come with you. If I just looked at it I might feel sick and feel like throwing up, but I couldn't because..."

I interrupt her to reassure her, "It's okay, I know. I'll go clean them and come back. You stay here."

"I'm not moving, Scout's honor!"

I turn away from her looking for the bathroom and I ask the first girl I see where it is.

"Go up the stairs and it's immediately to the right." She tells me while also mimicking and pointing with her hands.

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