I tap on my phone screen. The screen lights up and the clock reads 4:24PM. I was going over the periodic table. I am studying for my medicine entry test, but I decide to finish later and I head downstairs. Usually at this time when I am home I walk Zoe. As soon as she hears me running down the stairs, she goes standing at the door and waits for me to put a leash on her. Zoe is a mix raced dog and she's fourish years old. She has many features reminiscent of the Border Collie. She is intelligent and very sweet, her soft white and brown coat makes her the most beautiful dog in the world to our eyes.

I close the front door and Zoe is already pulling to the right. Behind my house, there is a vast wood that starts in my area and stretches westward for several kilometers.

The heart of the wood is very dense and there are no real paths except for one; the one Zoe and I are heading to. This small road starts at the end of my street and goes till the town center. Going through the wood is way faster than the normal paved road, in fact I often choose this shortcut.

We pass by two houses to the right going toward to the edge of the road and walk till the entrance of the woodland. Zoe loves it very much because she can run and go branch hunting. She always chooses the biggest and heaviest ones, so each time the walk back home becomes a challenge.

I unhook Zoe and we start walking, entering the walkway between tall trees with leaves still bright green. A few moments later two silhouettes are coming toward us from the opposite direction.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Luisi." I give a sweet smile to the lady who is now standing in front of me. Mrs. Luisi is a woman in her seventies who lives on our street. She has a big beautiful dog, Jerry, who is a great friend of Zoe's. We often cross paths with this very sweet couple and occasionally walk together.

"Good afternoon Sophie, how are you?"

"Everything's great, what about you??"

The dogs begin to fidget as they start playing. Mrs. Luisi therefore turns her attention to Zoe.

"Zoe, Jerry and I can't stop to play today. I have an appointment soon."

"Ss everything okay, Mrs. Luisi?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes honey, everything's fine. It's just a check-up that I do every year. I'm glad I ran into you. I wanted to tell you to be careful, Mr. Bianco told me that strange things have been happening in the wood lately."

I look at the backcombed-haired lady with a puzzled look.

"What strange things?"

"Unfortunately I don't know, he just asked me to spread the word to be careful. Maybe it's some wild animal. Stay on this path, honey."

I thank her and promise we will both be vigilant. We say goodbye to our friends and continue our walk toward downtown. My mind begins to wander inside my imagination to find out what Mr. Bianco is referring to. Overcome with anxiety I decide to call Zoe and hang up the leash.

The walk with Zoe, is one of my favorite moments during the day. Being in the open air and surrounded by nature is truly relaxing for me.

Especially now that I have to study to prepare for the entrance test for medical school, this moment has become essential.

For as long as I can remember, my dream has been to become a doctor. The reason for this choice is my mother. In fact, at the age of five, my dad told me how mom became an angel. A bad disease, that everyone calls "cancer", sent her to heaven. He explained that there is still no cure, but he was certain that one day someone will find it. My father's words were engraved in my mind, and I wanted to be that person.

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