"Hey Sophie! Are you ready?"

Benjamin's voice echoes in my head and I turn toward him. He has just sat down in the vacant chair next to me. I keep pondering over what I witnessed yesterday in the woods, and I am increasingly certain that the other casually-dressed boy was indeed Benjamin.

In a few minutes, the art period will start, and today it's our turn to present the project. I feel pretty calm, we did a great job.

"Of course. I'm sure we'll be great!"

He hints a very sweet little smile.

The teacher calls our names. We are both prepared and I notice Mrs. Cohlen's pleasantly surprised expression. The idea is beautiful and the final grade proves it; we both get A's. 

After our other classmates presented their work, I put all my stuff in my backpack and rush out of the classroom in search of Benjamin. We didn't get to talk earlier and I want to thank him. I walk out of the classroom and as soon as he sees me he comes up to me, leaving Sebastian and Adele behind. Without warning Benjamin hugs me and lifts me slightly off the ground while with great enthusiasm he says, "You were great!"

I feel my face heat up like lava from a volcano. I am sure I have turned as red as the "STOP" sign. Four icy eyes are staring at us; I can't help but feel their presence. I focus on the boy in front of me and try to form a sentence that doesn't give off my embarrassment.

"We were amazing Benjamin. I had no idea you loved art so much. You surprised me."

He laughs before continuing, "Speaking of art, given our great success today, I wanted to invite you to an art exhibition on Sunday. It is organized by my father's company. Would you like to go together?"

This time I have no doubt, Benjamin Russo invited me out and no, I can't refuse.

"Sure, that's a wonderful idea. Thank you."

"Perfect then I'll pick you up Sunday at five."

He greets me and walks towards his friends who are waiting for him, while I turn in the opposite direction to walk towards the literature classroom.

Hannah is about to enter the classroom when she sees me. She comes hopping toward me with a big smile.

"My dear friend, tell me right away how art went!"

"Great! We got an A."

"Oh Soph! I don't care about the grade, tell me what I want to hear."

"Yeah it went very well with Benjamin too. And... he invited me to go with him to an art exhibition on Sunday..."

"No way! You're going out with Benjamin! This is the kind of gossip I live for, my friend."

"I don't know whether to think of it as a real date, at the end it has something to do with the project we did and then it's organized by his parents..."

"By his parents???"

Hannah is shocked, I don't feel like I said anything that crazy. If a person walked by right now, she would think I just told her I am pregnant so much she is in shock.

She pinned herself in the middle of the classroom for a few seconds, after which she sat down and waited for me to do the same. I'm getting worried.

"Maybe you don't realize it. You know Benjamin Ricci's parents. The most exclusive people in town, if not in the state."

I had not contemplated the idea that I might run into Mr. and Mrs. Riva. The exhibition is organized by the company, but I doubt I will meet them. It is an event that many people will attend.

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