I stand on the porch as Sophie walks across the garden and without ever looking back she exits the the gate. I was certain that the afternoon together went amazing. I acted as the perfect guy. I was that girls dream about. Despite all my efforts, when I approached her trying kissing her, she moved away from me.

This whole thing has become a matter of pride. Anyway, the first part of my plan was successful, the kiss was just a personal whim. She will give in sooner or later.

I will not let her reject get me down; it motivates me more. I look forward to the day when, crazy about me, she will confess everything I need to know. I can already imagine the awe on my father's face. He will be forced to finally admit I am not a fool. Later, I will call my father to warn him that the first phase is in motion .

I go downstairs victorious to convince myself and my friends that the afternoon was a success. She doesn't trust me yet, but I am on the right track and I should be happy about that.

"You guys, I managed to put it in his backpack." I say as I throw myself into an armchair and grab a joystick. I don't go into specifics since Sebastian's new "friend" is here with us. I've seen her with him probably twice; her name should be Lily or Lisa. I don't remember and I don't care about it to be honest. I know that soon I won't see her again, and in Seb's lap there will be a new girl who will also end up be forgotten.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but congratulations bro! Next step put it somewhere else." If not Chris, who could have said such a stupid thing.

"You idiot, I'm talking about what our parents asked us to do at the last meeting."

That's all I can add. This is strictly private information that in the wrong hands would forever ruin the reputation of our company.

"Just kidding, I know what you were talking about. So is she already crazy about my friend Benji?"

I have serious doubts about his first statement. Chris has never been interested in business; at meetings every time I look at him he is either on the phone or his eyes are closed. I answer the question and I put a big proud on smile on my face:


"Your daddy will be pleased," Sebastian says. I know him too well to not be offended. He is just like that, especially when it comes to the company.

"All our families will be happy and so will our wallets."

He doesn't answer, abruptly he moves the girl, gets up and goes to get a beer from the refrigerator.

I don't think of myself as a bad person, but I honestly believe that our family, our money and, most of all, our reputation are worth more than hurting a girl. She will get over it and we will all be happy.

Sebastian drinks the whole can in one gulp and turning to the girl says, "It's time for you to go, Lara."

Lara! That's her name, I was very close...

"You are such an asshole! Your arrogance will backfire on you some day!" Lara says, grabbing her bag and walking up the stairs purposefully stamping her feet like children do when mom denies the lollipop.

Sebastian settles back on the couch in a bad mood, certainly not for Lara.

"Seb, what the fuck is your problem?"

I asked him to stir him up a bit.

He looks at me with his icy stare, he is irritated and that was my goal.

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